产品名称: 电热压力油炸锅(炸鸡炉) PRODUCT NAME: ELECTRIC PRESSURE FRYER产品型号:PRODUCT MODEL: MDXZ-24额定电压:SPECIFIED VOLTAGE: ~3N380V/50Hz额定工作气压:SPECIFIED WORKING VOLTAGE: 0.085MPa额定功率:SPECIFIED POWER: 12kw/h控温范围:CONTROL TEMPERATURE:室温room temperature-300℃容油量:CAPACITY: 25L外形尺寸:OVERALL DIMENSIONS: 980×560×1150mm净重:WEIGHT: 77kg本公司还提供电热式、和燃气式压力炸鸡炉。本产品通过国家食品机械检测,通过CE认证本公司生产的MDXZ系列美式炸鸡炉是吸取国外先进技术,根据西式炸鸡和传统的中式烧鸡的生产工艺特点而研制。国内首家通过CE认证。整体不锈钢为主要材料、电子定时、控温自动控压排气。采用低温高压原理,炸制的食品外酥里嫩,色泽鲜明,还可以炸鸭、鱼、排骨、羊肉等各种肉类和蔬菜、土豆。适用于各大店、宾馆、快餐厅、小吃店、工厂食堂及个体经营户。具有操作简单、无污染、使用方便、效率高、经久耐用等特点。确是国内目前最新式的食品加工机械设备。The series of MDXZ American style pressure fryer that my plant produced absorb the advanced technique from aboard, it is the first company which has the CE certificate in domestic.It has the characteristics of stainless steel material, use the electronics to adjust time, control temperature and expel the air automatically, it is used to fry chicken, fish, sparerib, mutton, and all kinds of meat and vegetable. This machine is applicable for hotel, guest houses, restaurants, factories, dining room. It has the advantage of low energy consume, free from pollution, convenient usage and high efficiency.It is inneed the newest food machinery equipment in domestic.