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深圳市粤湘孚石油化工有限公司 详情请浏览:
BP百特能HV22液压油 BP百特能HV22液压油 BP百特能HV22液压油 BP百特能HV22液压油
BP百特能HV22液压油 BP百特能HV22液压油 BP百特能HV22液压油 BP百特能HV22液压油
BP百特能HV22液压油 BP百特能HV22液压油 BP百特能HV22液压油 BP百特能HV22液压油
Ramp Safety
Safety must never be compromised. We are continually focused and committed to ensuring ramp safety.
Safety is paramount when so many people are involved in preparing an aircraft for flight. From airline engineers, catering staff, baggage handlers and cleaning staff to the fuelling operators and their vehicles. Everyone is working to tight deadlines.
It is vital to observe the apron safety procedures and to respect and keep safe working distances when fuelling an aircraft.
Failure to observe these precautions could cause serious accidental damage and even cost lives.
However routine a job may appear it is important to keep a look-out for other operations on the apron, especially fuelling equipment.
Safety must never be compromised.
Everyone working around an aircraft needs to be aware of the safety devices and equipment which are there for use in an emergency. In the event of an accident or incident it is up to everybody to react as quickly as possible and to have easy access to safety features such as the Fuel Emergency Stop Buttons which are positioned close to each aircraft parking position at airports where a fuel hydrant is in use.
Ramp safety is an on-going focus that requires the co-operation of into-plane companies, other ramp service providers and airport authorities.