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The Jet Engine
There are almost 100,000 jet engines in service around the world powering every sort of civil aircraft from Jumbo jets to helicopters.
How a jet engine works
Although modern aircraft engines contain some of the most sophisticated engineering technology in everyday use, their basic principles are quite simple and have changed little in 50 years.
The combustion process causes the fuel / air mixture to expand and accelerate towards the rear of the engine. This high speed exhaust generates the thrust to push the engine forward.
This simple design known as the "Ram Jet" has been used to power most early jet aircraft. Today most practical jet engines use some of the exhaust energy to turn a turbine which is connected by a shaft to a compressor at the front of the engine.
This technique uses a series of rotating and static blades to draw air into the engine. The combination of burning fuel and the rise in temperature causes a rapid increase in the volume of gas. The resultant pressure is channelled past the turbines before blasting out of the tail pipe at two or three times the speed of sound.
This design of jet engine was used for most early airliners. It is still used for military aircraft because it is relatively light and compact.
Another way of increasing efficiency is to extract more of the energy from the exhuast turbines and use it to drive a high efficiency fan at the front of the engine. Modern high-bypass engines generate a higher proportion of their thrust from the large volumes of cooler, low speed air than from the hot, high speed exhaust gas.
Modern high-bypass engines generate a higher proportion of their thrust from the large volumes of cooler, low speed air than from the hot, high speed exhaust gas. This also has an environmental benefit in that the bypass air creates an envelope around the exhaust and reduces both turbulence and noise.