型号:HP/Agilent 5361A
品牌:美国 安捷伦(惠普)
技术参数: 功 能 量 程 最好准确度(中速读数)
分辨率 VDC 0V~10=00V ±0.025%+2 1μV~0.01V VAC 0V~750V ±(0.2%+10) 1μV~0.01V ADC 0mA~10A ±0.05%+2 0.1μA~10mA AAC 15μA~10A ±0.5%+10 0.1μA~10mA
电阻 0~100M ±0.05%+2 0.=001~100k
频率 5Hz->1MHz ±0.05%+1 0.=01Hz~1kHz
显示:30=00字, 30,=000字,100,=000字
读数速率:快(20次/秒),中(5次/秒),慢(2.5次/秒) Fluke 45是全5位,100=000字高性能双显示多功能测试仪表。两个多功能显示和16个测量能 力能广泛地用于生产测试,现场维护、定点修理、科研开发和教学等场合。
Agilent 5361A Pulse/CW Microwave Counter offers both high-precision pulse and CW performance up to 20GHz. With built-in frequency modulation profiling, the 5361A characterizes radar, EW, and communications systems or components. The counter makes complex measurements for the carrier frequency of agile signals, staggered PRIs, or the frequency transients in a pulsed or CW signal. It can be used to characterize radar pulses or test a Stable Local Oscillator (STALO). Functions for measuring step response, post-tuning drift, and settling time facilitate accurate and easy testing of VCOs and DTOs. The 5361A helps lower your equipment costs by eliminating the need for a separate CW counter, pulse generator and computer, and is a cost-effective choice for manufacturing and R&D. High-speed throughput saves operator time, and periodic maintenance is limited to time base calibration.
* Precise pulse measurements to 20GHz.
* PROFILE function characterizes frequency transients, modulation (such as chirp), and linearity.
* Simple-to-use automatic functions include calibration, pulse averaging, and measurement display.
* Scope-View provides confidence and easy setup for externally gated measurements.
* Fast track measures a signal sweeping up to 800 MHz per second.
* Low FM rate allows measurement of signals that vary slowly in frequency.
* For complete details, click on the Data Sheet link.
姓名:马洁 电话:13923850516
QQ:1062748739 邮箱:1062748739@