800X800mm耐磨铸石板现货批发!800X800mm耐磨铸石板现货批发!玄武岩铸石板是以天然岩石玄武岩等或工业废渣为原料,加入一定的附加剂如角目岩,白云岩、萤石等结晶剂如铬铁矿、钛镁矿等经溶化、浇铸、结晶、退火等工序加工而成(这种工艺是新兴张老师经过多年的钻研和实践总结而来,产品已相当成熟,森源张老师电话:18653431779为你解答各种安装问题。详细技术资料见www.syqg888.com)的一种非金属耐腐蚀材料。铸石制品有板、砖、管及各种异型材料,这些各种规格的板材、管材、异型物体统称之为铸石制品。Basalt cast stone is a natural rocks basalt or industrial waste as raw material, adding some additives such as angle head rock, dolomite, fluorite crystallization agent such as chromium ore, titanium magnesium ore by melting, casting, crystallization, annealing process as (this process is a new teacher Zhang after summing up the study and Practice for many years and years, the product has been quite mature, emerging Zhang phone:800X800mm耐磨铸石板现货批发!800X800mm耐磨铸石板现货批发!