桶装纯净水净化用杏壳活性炭 果壳活性炭厂家
1 、果壳活性炭是常用的一类空气净化材料,主要用来吸附空气中的微量有害气体,活性炭是一种很细小的炭粒,有很大的表面积,而且炭粒中还有更细小的孔----毛细管.这种毛细管具有很强的吸附能力,由于炭粒的表面积很大,所以能与气体(杂质)充分接触,当这些气体(杂质)碰到毛细管就被吸附,起净化作用。 本品利用活性炭的物理作用除臭,防潮。
2 、本品无任何化学添加剂,对人身无影响。
3 、活性炭是一种国际公认的高效吸附材料,早在“一战”时,它就被应用于防毒面具。而现在活性炭被用于汽车或者室内的空气净化,确实是一个新的思路。活性炭是一种多孔的含碳物质,其发达的空隙结构使它具有很大的表面积,所以很容易与空气中的有毒有害气体充分接触,活性炭孔周围强大的吸附力场会立即将有毒气体分子吸入孔内,所以活性炭具有极强的吸附能力。
4 、而并不是所有活性炭都具有气体吸附能力,只有具备大量孔径略大于有毒有害气体分子直径的活性炭,才有极强的吸附能力。而要达到这一要求,对活性炭的材料选择和加工供给要求就极为严格。
5 、一直以来,活性炭成型的技术问题不能解决,致使其应用领域主要是以粉末、颗粒状存在。现我司推出家用除味活性炭包克服了活性炭粉末或颗粒在实际应用中易散落、易污染、不易保存、使用时间短等缺陷。
活性炭虽然在外型和用途方面可以有许多品种,但活性炭有一个共同的特性,那就是“吸附性”。活性炭产生吸附性的原因就是因为它有发达的孔隙结构,就象我们所见到的海绵一样,在同等重量的条件下,海绵比其他物体能吸收更多的水,原因也是因为它具有发达的孔隙结构。但活性炭的这种孔隙结构是肉眼无法看见的,因为他们只有1×10-12mm—10 -5mm之间,比一个分子大不了多少。活性炭孔隙发达的程度是难以想象的,若取1克活性炭,将里面所有的孔壁都展开成一个平面,这个面积将达到1000平方米(既比表面积为1000g/m2)!影响活性炭吸附性的主要因素就取决于内部孔隙结构的发达程度。
Fruit shell activated carbon product introduction:
Fruit shell activated carbon with high quality, peach apricot shell shell, walnut shell, jujube shell and fruit shell as raw material, through carbonization and activation, superheated steam CuiHua technology refined but e, the appearance is black indefinite form particle, the series production craft processing and e a kind of activated carbon. Has good wear resistance strength, pore developed, high adsorption performance, high strength, easy regeneration, economic and durable etc, which are widely used in life, industry, liquid phase adsorption, water purification and air purification treatment. Especially suitable for power plant, petrochemical, sewage treatment plant, refinery, printing and dyeing, textile, food and beverage, medicine water, electronic high pure water, drinking water, industrial water reuse, etc.
Fruit shell activated carbon five advantages:
1, fruit shell activated carbon is a common kind of air purification materials, mainly used for adsorption air of trace harmful gas, activated carbon is a kind of very small granular, there are a lot of surface area, and granular have more small hole - capillary. The capillary has a strong adsorption capacity, due to the carbon particle surface area is very big, so can and gas (impurities) fully contact, when these gases (impurities) met capillary was adsorption, the purification effect. This product use the physical properties of activated carbon deodorization, moistureproof.
2, this product without any chemical additives, to person no effect.
3, activated carbon is an internationally recognized and efficient adsorption material, as early as in the "world", it will be applied to gas mask. And now activated carbon is used in the car or indoor air purification, is really a new train of thought. Activated carbon is a porous carbonaceous material, its developed void structure makes it has large surface area, so it is easy to air and the poisonous and harmful gas full contact, activated carbon adsorption force field around the hole strong will immediately be poisonous gas molecular suction hole, so activated carbon has very strong adsorption capacity.
4, and not all activated carbon have gas adsorption capacity, only have a large number of aperture is slightly bigger than poisonous and harmful gas molecular diameter of activated carbon, just have the strong adsorption capacity. And to achieve this one requirement, the activated carbon material selection and processing supply requirement is very strict.
5, since always, activated carbon forming technology problem cannot be solved, if the application is mainly powder, granular exist. Now we launch household in addition to taste activated carbon bag to e the activated carbon powder or granule in practical application were easy, easy to pollution, is not easy to save, use short time and defect.
For new home for deodorization to poison five reason:
Activated carbon is internationally recognized gettering toxin expert, activated carbon masks, protective mask are using activated carbon.
Spray and drug management easy to cause the second pollution, and may be damaged furniture, and activated carbon of physical adsorption, very safe, no harm to human, which have mouldproof, antiseptic effect.
High-tech product carry chang disposable removed, and the home of the release of harmful gas is a slow process, so today, in addition to a few days and have taste, and the price is not low. And activated carbon adsorption is a slow process and just to match.
Permeability packaging, easy to use, activated carbon price is low, in the scorching sun exposure can use repeatedly.
Many purposes: aquarium water purification, refrigerator, toilet, the car all can achieve disinfection deodorant and purpose
Fruit shell activated carbon USES:
This product is widely used in drinking water, industrial water and wastewater purification depth; All kinds of gas separation and purification, purification, Organic solvent recovery; Sugar, monosodium glutamate, medicine, wine, drinks decolorization, deodorization, and refined; Precious metal refining; Chemical industry of the catalyst and catalyst carrier. Fruit shell net fruit shell activated carbon products are widely used in the group and household water purifiers, water dispensers and power plant, petrochemical and other water treatment engineering, the serious pollution of drinking water city factory, hotel, all kinds of cool and refreshing drinks water treatment effect is much better.
Fruit shell activated carbon are widely used in all aspects of the industry and agriculture production, such as petrochemical industry non-alkali deodorization (refined to take off the mercaptan), ethylene desalted water (refined packing), catalyst carrier (platinum, palladium, rhodium, etc.), water purification and sewage treatment; The electric power industry and the power plant water treatment and protection; Chemical industry chemical catalyst and carrier, gas purification, solvent recovery and grease, decoloring, refined; The food industry, wine, soft drinks and MSG mother liquor and food refined, decoloring, The sector's gold extraction, tail liquid recovery; Environmental protection industry wastewater treatment, waste gas and harmful gas management, gas purification, And related industry cigarette filter, wood floor moistureproof, suction taste, automobile gasoline evaporation pollution control, all kinds of impregnating agent solution preparation, etc.
Identification of fruit shell activated carbon quality method:
Fruit shell activated carbon makes it has very strong adsorption capacity, so is widely used in air purification, anti-virus protection, water treatment, solvent decolorizing and other industrial and civil field. In recent years, along with the people to the activated carbon gradually understanding, activated carbon market also rapid development, but at the same time as development, all kinds of inferior quality of activated carbon products is also takes, seriously affected the normal development of the carbon market to consumers, adverse consequences.
In order to let the consumer can choose to rest assured products, here is how to choose high quality activated carbon to do a brief introduction:
Although the activated carbon in appearance and USES can have many varieties, but activated carbon has a common characteristic, that is "absorbing". Produce activated carbon adsorption reason is because it has developed pore structure, as we see the sponge, in the same weight conditions, sponge than other objects can absorb more water, the reason is because it has developed pore structure. But this kind of activated carbon pore structure is naked eye cannot see, because they only have 1 x 10-12 mm - 10-5 mm, more than one molecule how many big deal. Activated carbon pore developed degree is hard to imagine, if take 1 g activated carbon, inside all the wall of hole are opened into a plane, this area will reach 1000 square meters (both specific surface area for 1000 g/m2)! Activated carbon adsorption effect of the main factors will depend on the internal pore structure of the developed degree.
In the production process, improve the performance of active carbon adsorption is the only way to control the production process, make the unit volume increase in as much as possible of the activated carbon pore structure. So the higher the adsorption of activated carbon because it contains a lot of pore, make its own density e more