CAT-401自动变速箱换油机是一款性能卓越的自动变速箱维护设备,可方便、快捷、地完成自动变速箱清洗及ATF等量更换作业。 液晶菜单式操作界面,提供了十分友好的人机交互平台。图形化的模拟油桶可实时、形象、地显示出新、旧油桶的液位;实时更新的操作提示可指导操作人员轻松完成对自动变速箱的各项维护工作。管路油压自动识别技术和电源极性自动识别技术的应用,免去了操作人员的一切担忧和烦恼。使用CAT-401无需考虑自动变速箱至散热器间管路中ATF的流向,不用担心电源极性的正反。的等量实时控制方案,可保证更换前后的等量误差不大于50ml。新增加的自动变速箱液位调整功能提供了更加灵活的选择方案。新、旧油排空功能及两个25L的超大油桶解决了多车更换与不同车型用油的矛盾。采用12V直流电源使设备的使用更加安全、方便。
CAT-401 Auto Transmission Fluid Changer
The transmission fluid inside transmission will go bad for a period of usage of automatic transmission. If the transmission fluid can not be changed completely in time, it may cause the abnormality to the transmission. General auto transmission fluid changer can not control the filling quantity of the ATF as required, the excessive or shortage filling will cause the damage to auto transmission. CAT-401 auto transmission changer can complete the flush and fluid exchange in 20
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minutes for transmission, torque converter and radiator. The fluid exchange rate is nearly 100%.