Tempered enamel for tempering glass (XK-1120*)
This product supplied as a black paste type that is mixed with a flux ceramic ,black pigment and organic solvent, used in the automotive glass ,architectural glass and appliances tempering glass processing .Can be customized a glossy film ,semi-matt film and matt film.
参数Content 型号 Paste
黑色夹层含铅(Leady Black) 黑色夹层无铅(Lead-free Black)
膨胀系数coefficient expansion(*10-7/℃) 88 89
软化点Transition Temp( ℃) 540 510
粘度Viscosity(VT-04F Viscometer, 25°C, P.S) 410±50 380±50
比重Density(g/cm3) 2.28±0.2 2.06±0.2
固含量Solid content(%) 79±3% 78±3%
细度Particle size(µm) 5.5±0.5 5.5±0.5
丝印网版Screen mesh(mesh/inch) 180-250 180-250
稀释剂Thinner(T03-Wt%) 5-8 5-8
湿膜厚度Wet Film Thickness(µm) 20-30 20-30
烘干条件Drying condition(℃/min) 150/3-5 150/3-5
烧结条件Firing condition(℃/min) 680-730/8-3 680-730/8-3
储存条件Shelflife (month/25℃/unopened) 12 12