1、规格形式多,应用范围广:可根据使用场合及风量、压力和噪声的不同要求, 选用以下三种型式的风机: A、轴流式屋顶风机:型号为DWT-I型,适用于中低压、大流量的使用场合。根据 用户需要还可以设计成双向可逆式送排风,即具有正反工况等效特点的风机,如DWT-Ⅴ 型; B、离心式屋顶风机:型号为DWT-Ⅱ型、DWT-Ⅲ型二种型式,适用于风量较小而 压力要求较高的场合; C、无电机涡轮排风机:型号为DWT-Ⅳ型,是一种由室内外空气压差驱动特殊弧 型叶片随轴心转动从而排出室内空气理想的节能通风装置。 2、效率高,噪声低:本风机采用先进的CAD软件,经多目标优化设计而成。 DWT-Ⅰ型系列机号中12#-24#共八种机号风机,采用改变转速、角度和叶型的方法, 扩充性能参数范围以满足不同使用工况的需要,达到风机与系统区配,以利实现节能 和降噪; 3、运转平稳、寿命长:本风机的转动惯量小,动平稳精度高,运转平稳,且各 项性能指标的企业内近代标准中的要求均高于风机行业标准,确保风机在同行中处领 先地位; 4、适用面广:本风机可以根据使用要求,制作成防爆型,适用于易燃、易爆及 有腐蚀性气体的场合的强制排风; 5、本产品多次经省市技术监督局检测合格,用户可放心使用。
1、DWT-轴流式屋顶风机直径自¢300-¢2400mm,共十七种机号;DWT-Ⅱ离心 式屋顶风机有¢300-¢1000mm九种机号;DWT-离心式屋顶风机直径自¢280-¢800mm, 共十种机号;DWT-Ⅳ无电机涡轮排风机有14"、20"和27"三种机号,且还可根据用户 需要提供其它机号; 2、各种型号的风机结构可参阅总装图,它由叶轮、风筒、风帽、传动部件、活 页风门、安全网等部件组成; 3、风机传动形式:DWT-I型风机¢≤2200mm采用电机直联传动,如用户根据使用 场合需用皮带传动,本公司亦可按要求生产,¢≤2200mm以上采用用皮带传动形式, 也可采用减速器传动形式,活页风门有重力式、电动式和手动式三种;DWT-Ⅱ、DWT-Ⅲ 型屋顶风机,采用电机直联传动; 4、屋顶风机应用比较广泛,故有多种使用需求。本公司可按用户不同的技术参数 要求进行研制、开发和外形结构的改进; 5、风机送排风压力高于600P以上应采用离心式风机;压力在400P-600P应采用混 流式通风机;压力低于400P以下应采用轴流式通风机。外界自然风较强或室内外温差较 大时,可采用无电机涡轮排风机; 6、特点说明:防鸟网、安全网、活页风门作为风机的附件不包括在风机中,若不 注明我厂不予供给
联系人:罗先生 189-1706-9802
彭先生 189-1706-0775
电 话:021-65063330
传 真:021-55520266
网 址:www.shokl.com
E-mail: cnshokl@126.com(企业) 18917069802@163.com(个人)
Q Q : 1125358035
邮 编:200090
地 址:上海市杨浦区长阳路2588号电力科技园401室
Shanghai Ocean’s King Lighting Engineering Co., Ltd was founded inHuangPu, and moved inShanghaiTechnologyPark of Electricity in Sept 2007. The product is mainly used as plant explosion-proof equipment and lighting project. It is also the Standing director of CEEIA and the Standing director ofCALI , the leader of Explosion-proof electrical lighting industry.
Shanghai Ocean’s King Lighting Engineering Co., Ltd has a strong development capability. There is more than 100 technical personnel in our company, contains Explosion-proof, Optics, Mechanical areas. The drafting or participate in the development of multiple national standards,leading the industry trend of technological development. The company's products represent the advanced level of the domestic like product,is widely used in electric power, petroleum, petrochemical, chemical, coal, railway, metallurgy, shipbuilding, fire, municipal, public security and other industries,selling to domestic 31 provinces and more than 50 countries,praised by users.
The company has advanced production technology and facilities. It got famous Trademark“Central Asia Ocean’s King”Corporate offices located in Shanghai State Power Technology Park with a construction area of13,000 square meters,and underground area of1,600 square meters,Factory is located in Shanghai Pudong New Area Sanzao Industrial Park,Has a modern plant 50 acres. The key processes have achieved full automation or semi. It is the largest and the most advanced facilities, the best one of the manufacturing base of the equipment condition.
The company's quality assurance system and experimental facilities are improved. It holds approval certificates of ISO9001Quality management system,PTB certification and ATEX certification. Shanghai Ocean’s King Testing Center is an class a laboratory that is accredited by the national grid authority,with more than 50 researchers and equipped with advanced equipment. Provide a reliable guarantee for product quality.
Company has a complete sales and service network,More than 100 offices have been set up in the domestic provincial capital cities and major cities,can provide efficient, meticulous, comprehensive, and professional services.
Based on the quality of products and services,Shanghai Ocean’s King Lighting Engineering Co., Ltd and Central Asia Ocean’s King has become the network supplier of many famous enterprises brands and partners, received the honorary title of China well-known marks, Shanghai well-known companies.