【品名】:玫瑰花茶[Name]:tea roses
【别名】:玫瑰花蕾、玫瑰干花,[Alias]:rosebud, roses dried flowers
【提取部位】:玫瑰鲜花蕾[Extractparts]:rRose flowers bud
【提取方法】:无硫磺烘干法[Extraction Method]:Rose flowers bud.
【级别】:特级[Level]: super
【色泽】:紫红色[Colour]: purple
【气味】:具有浓郁的苦水玫瑰花的香味[Smell]:the smellofrichbitter kushuiroses
【水分】:<10%[Water]: <10%
【总灰 量】:<7%[Total ash content]: 7%
Reputation abundant in the Gansu kushui town rose, after 200 years of cultivation, the formation of the famous "bitter Rose brand, which features a flower fan, juicy, pure fragrance, bitter town and therefore entitled to “China rose town".
【玫瑰花茶功效】[Tea roses effect]
Reducing anger, may be conditioning the blood gas, and promote blood circulation, beautify the skin, and eliminate fatigue, protect the liver, and gastrointestinal function
Roses containing rich in vitamins A, C, B, E, K, and tannic acid, can improve the endocrine loss of silk, also help to eliminate fatigue and wound stasis together.Adjusting blood conditioning menstrual problems, promote blood circulation, beauty, menstruation, diuretic, and to ease the nerves of the stomach, anti-wrinkle, anti-frostbite, skincare.Fatigue pain, take some to massage is also very suitable.
Take 4 - 5 rosebud into a cup, flower floating on the water surface, its soup is light and elegant aroma, ideal beauty, health drinks
Specialprocessedbud3 to5 g,5 minuteswith boiling water,sugar orhoney, orbeing distracted byany ofyour favoriteteawithbrewing,aromaticand pleasant,rationalqi and blood,liver andstagnationTheroleoflipid-loweringdiet, skin beauty.In particular,menstrual pain,irregular menstruationhasa magical effect.Rosebudmadeofdried flowers,each with5-7, coupled witha handfulofthetendertipof thegreen tea,red datesthree(goingnuclear),the open waterdailytea to drink,you can go toFirelight, to maintaintheenergetic, increaseyour energy,long-term consumption,but alsoallows you tofacerosy,youthful beauty
Rosebudmadeofdried flowers,each with5-7, coupled witha handfulofthetendertipof thegreen tea,red datesthree(goingnuclear),the open waterdailytea to drink,you can go toFirelight, to maintaintheenergeticincrease yourvitality,andlong-term consumption,so thatyoucanfacerosy,keepyoung and beautifulrosesrich in vitaminsA andC andB, andE,K,andtannic acid, can improvetheendocrineloss ofsilk,also helpto eliminatefatigue andwoundstasistogether.Adjusting bloodconditioningmenstrualproblems,promoteblood circulation, beauty,menstruation,diuretic,andto easethenervesofthe stomach, anti-wrinkle, anti-frostbite,skincare.Fatiguepain, takesometomassageis also verysuitable