铝条形扣板天花吊顶系统由装饰面板、条形扣板专用副龙骨以及上层轻钢主龙骨和相关配件共同构成。 装饰面板分为C型无缝条扣、G型有缝条扣、S型高边防风条扣、D型高边密缝条扣、U型有逢或加衬条条扣。
条形扣板常用厚度分为0.5 mm-1.2mm。 扣板采用连续辊压成型,常规最大长度尺寸6000mm。 表面涂层一般粉末静电喷涂或聚脂漆喷涂、辊涂,也可选用拉丝表面处理。
条扣天花吊顶系统呈长条形分布,棱线分明。吊顶平面因扣板和嵌条有安装落差而呈现出高低交错、立体感及动感极强的效果。吊顶系统规整、大方、排布紧凑,造型独特,立体感及现 代感强烈,极具特色。对有吸声要求的顶棚,可选用 穿孔板或按设计规定在吊顶构造中敷设玻璃棉毡等吸声保温材料。也可在穿孔板背面覆加一层吸音棉纸或黑色阻燃棉布,能够达到一定的吸声标准。
Strip Buckle ceiling is easy to install. Equipped with dozens of different colors, it is more specific and easy for design. There strait and oblique shape. It can be produced as long as 8 meters and can be processed into any length. With the aluminum plate being produced according to the international criteria of 75mm, 100mm, 150mm, 200mm, 300mm and 500mm. it can be installed at random. Seamless as all the aluminum plates are, they are closely jointed on keel and can be disassembled by piece.
It is applicable to airdromes, metros, stations, gymnasiums, meeting halls, marketplaces, trade high-rises, libraries etc. It can make you a comfortable and gentle circumstance.