选料上乘做工精细,外观 公司概况: 邢台翔天自行车零件有限公司,(原邢台市中德自行车零件制造厂)始建于1996年。本公司是集产品研制开发、生产加工、产品销售为一体的大型企业。其主导产品“瑞德”、“津海”牌电动车、自行车、童车零部件主打鞍座、铝制脚蹬、车篮、三大系列百个品种,并开发生产了部分摩托车部分配件。 组织机构: 设三厂六部,邢台翔天自行车零件有限公司、鞍座厂、铝制脚蹬厂、车篮厂、新产品开发部、质量监管部、市场部、国际贸易部、配套部、财务部。 地理位置: 邢台翔天自行车零件有限公司位于河北省平乡县邢临公路。京广铁路、京深高速纵贯南北,高等级公路四通八达,交通十分便捷。 翔天信条: 靠质量打造品牌、靠诚信营造市场。 携 手: 李新携公司员工竭诚欢迎海内外客商光临惠顾,愿与业内同仁携手共创美好明天。 GENERAL SITUATION OF THE CORPORATION: Xingtai Xiangtian Vehicle Limited Corporation,of which the floor area is about12000 square merers and the structure is about 6500 square meters,is founded in 1996.There are 320 workers in this factory.The well corporation is contributed to developing、manufacturing、processing and sailing. Its main products are components of the bicycle(RUIDE、HUABEI、MEIDE).including five kinds of products:saddle、axle、switch lines、frame、pedal.And the factory also develops some kinds of components used for electrie motorcar or motorcycle. Organizations: The corporation includes three factories(Xiangtian components factory、Meide components factory、 frame factory) and six departments(new product developing department、supervising department、 marketing department、international trade department、assembling department、financial department. Geographic position: Xingtai Xiangtian Vehcle limited Corporation is in Xingtai city situated on the southern part of Hebei province.There are Beijing-Guangzhou railway and Beijing-Shenzhen express highway,with other high-quality highways passing through the region.You can come here by 1、2、23 buses. The beliefs of ZhongDe Corporation: First-rate product is based on the quality! Market is developed by sincerity! Cooperation: The boss,whose name is Lixin,heartily welcome tradesmen from every plots of the planet.Let us lighten the future together! 漂亮,经久耐用,带安全束的鞍座
一、购物前: 有任何问题,可以随时咨询哦,我们一定会耐心为你解答的。 二、关于产品的价格: 部分网上价格仅供参考,具体产品价格请致电咨询卖家。 三、关于物流: 具体物流方式和费用由买卖双方协商决定。 |