Drop Tell
The warning labels are modern item for logistics damaging prevention , have -“Drop n Tell” .It is a sensible mechanical product without any magnetism and chemistry.It is to sticked on the carton to be transport , and the arrow on “Drop n Tell” will be shown red if the carton has been dropped or other improper handling, and to indicate to the officer have to check the carton which may be damaged. And the acted “Drop n Tell” is not resetting . As “Drop n Tell” have protection lock itself,so it will not active before its’ application. There are 6 models of sensor to meet any carton size and weight.
每套防震贴(Drop N Tell)均包括有三个部分:防震贴片、警告贴纸及运单小贴片。运输单小贴片应粘贴于运输单据上,以示运输公司及收货人注意到该被运输货物上已贴有“防震贴片(Drop N Tell)",警告贴纸应粘贴在被运输物体最显眼处以示警告,而“防震贴片”本身可贴于被运货物外部或内部。