每套防震贴(Drop N Tell)均包括有三个部分:防震贴片、警告贴纸及运单小贴片。运输单小贴片应粘贴于运输单据上,以示运输公司及收货人注意到该被运输货物上已贴有“防震贴片(Drop N Tell)",警告贴纸应粘贴在被运输物体最显眼处以示警告,而“防震贴片”本身可贴于被运货物外部或内部。
This carton contains equal numbers of Drop n Tell,Warning Labels,and Bill of Lading labels to be used as a system for monitoring your product during transit.We suggest that the Bill of Lading to notify monitor.The warning label should be placed on the top or side of the package.The Drop n Tell may be places on the inside or the outside of the package or on the product.
Mount the Drop n Tell with either adhesive back tape or 2 No.6-32 screws.There is pressure sensitive tape on the back of the indicator.Remove the liner from the tape and press the unit to a flat surface on the package or on the product to be with arrows pointed toward the direction of shock to be monitored.