适用范围 / Applications
Suitable for automatic packaging of paste of foods, medicine and chemicals,such as pesticide shampoo,and body foam bath
lotion,facial cream,ingredient oil,fruit sauce,tomato ketchup and homey etc.
主要特征 / Main standard features
Control system with Chinese and English display screen,stainless steel body,after the parameters(length of bag)are set at the
display setting unit,the control system will automatically optimize and match the actions,thus achieving best packaging
speed.Reliable and stable dual light source photoelectric check detecting system,assuring complete logo of the packing
bags.Controlled by intelligent temperature controller, automatic measuring,bag making,filling,sealing,marking,cutting and
封口形式 / Sealing type:可定制成三边封、四边封、枕形背封袋
It can automatically perform packs bound on three sides、four sides、or pillow.
包装材料 / Packaging material
聚酯/镀铝/聚乙烯 聚酯/聚乙烯尼龙复合薄膜等可热封防渗漏的复合包装材料。
Pet/plated al/pe pet/pe nylon and other heat able sealed laminasfilms etc.
选配装置 / Option:打码机
Hot stamp ribbon coder