| 所有的设备在发货前经过我们多个部门进行严格的监督和质检部门严密质检,确保无任何质量问题,才将通知客户发货。 (We have special departments to ensure that no strict quality control any quality problem before delivery). |
产品图片: (THE PICTURES) | 图片均100%实物拍摄,但由于光线及显示器原因,您所看到图片可能会有轻微色差问题,请谅解!如无法接受的买家请慎重购买。 due to taken in light and the monitor,picture may have a slight chromatism problem, this is inevitable, please forgive! If can not accept buyers please buy cautiously. |
规格 库存: (SPECIFICATIONS AND STOCK) | 仔细查看商品尺寸表及产品说明,拍前请咨询客服所需规格!另外因库存随时会变动,请购买前与我们联系并确认您需要的尺寸是否有货。 Carefully check goods size table and product specificafions. please check detail with Customer service before buying. |
(Receipt of goods) | 收货或者取货时,请先验货试机后签单,货物若有损坏,或者少货现象,请不要签收,先与我们相关人员或者客服联系说明情况并让相关人员确认后再做处理。 Receiving or take the goods, please check it before sign the bill. |
售后服务: (AFTER-SALES SERVICE) | 免费培训技术人员;指派专业技术服务人员;以客户为导向 以服务为核心 以质量为重心! Targeted technical training; Assign a qualified service technician;Customer-oriented to serve as the core to the quality of the center of gravity! |