东洋齿轮变速电机有限公司是一家致力于电机传动,工业自动化产品的开发,生产和销售。并提供产品开发,技术服务的高新技术企业。 公司专业生产:特种电机,减速电机,无刷电机,伺服电机及无刷电机驱动吕在,伺服驱动器。
DYG Gear Reducer Motor Co, Ltd. is a high-technology enterprise which applies itseIf to developing,producing and marketing products of motor transmission and industrial automation and providing product development and technical services.
Products manufactured by the company:special types of motors ,gear reducer motors,brushless motors ,servo motors, brushless drivers and servo drivers .
We can customize to develop, design and manufacture dedicated Products according to special requirements from customers. we sincerely wish to establish according to special requiremengts from customers,we sincerely siwh to establish cooperation relyaionship with you for pursuing mutual development.