| 企 业 简 介 东莞市日升科技有限公司位于繁华的虎门镇,公司创办于1996年,以雄厚的技术实力为基础,专注专业研制生产一系列高频、中频、超高频、超音频感应加热电源。 公司本着高科技、高起点、高品质的原则努力为用户提供优质的产品。公司产品广泛用于石材加工、金属加工、紧固件、刀具、五金工具、不锈钢制品、汽车摩托车零部件、管件热变形、五金朔料等需热源设备行业之透热成型、焊接、淬火、熔炼、退火、热配合等工艺。 共研发出高频淬火机床、中频熔炼炉、中频锻造炉、超音频退火机、超音频锻造炉、钉焊机、塑焊机等多种专业设备。十余年来,日升产品畅销全国,并远销台湾、出口印度、俄罗斯、越南等国家。日升产品以适用范围宽、可靠性高、售后服务体系完善而受到用户一致好评。 公司通过ISO9001:2000国际质量认证,同时提倡生产零缺陷产品的质量管理理念,从而保证了日升产品的品质。公司拥有遍布全国的营销网络和售后服务体系,从而解决了客户的后顾之忧。 日升人将不断发扬锐意进取,开拓创新的创业精神,以优质的产品、满意的服务回报用户,回报社会,携八方朋友,共创美好明天!
Company Profile Dongguan Sunrise Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Humen, the most prosperity town of the Dongguan city, the company was founded in 1996 with strong technical strength, being devoted to developing and manufacturing induction heating machines with spectrum of high-frequency, intermediate frequency, VHF and UHF. The company’s management principle is highly in line with worldwide tradition to offer high-tech, perfect quality products and best service to customers. Company's products are widely used in stone processing, metal processing, fasteners, cutting tools, metal tools, stainless steel products, automobile、 motorcycle parts, pipe fittings hot deformation, hardware plastics equipment and |