1. Scope(适用范围)
The specification shall be applied to the field of communications
2. Quote Criterion(引用标准)
EN 55022:1998, +A1:2000 +A2:2003, Class B
CISPR 22:2003, Class B
3. Electrical Characteristic (电气特性)
3.1.Test Circuit (测试电路)
If the test is to be made on a specified circuit, be sure to use the following circuit.
4. Input Characteristics(输入特性)
4.1. Rated Input Voltage(额定输入电压)
It is normal for100Vacto240Vacinput AC voltage.
4.2. Input Voltage Range (输入电压范围)
The adaptor shall operate from90Vacto264Vacand the range switching is
4.3. Rated Frequency (输入频率)
It is normal for50Hzor60Hzand single phase.
4.4. Frequency Range (输入频率范围)
The adaptor shall operate with an input frequency from47Hzto63Hz.
4.5. Steady AC Current(AC输入电流)
Maximum steady state input current is200mA(Max)Measured at 90Vac input and
maximum load.
( 90V满载时输入电流200mA(Max))
4.6. Peak Inrush Current (峰值输入电流)
With cold starting, the peak inrush current should less than30A.
4.7. Efficiency(效率)
75% min. measured at 100Vac and 240Vac input voltage, maximum load and include
the DC cable loss.
(在输入电压100Vac -240Vac,输出最大负荷下,适配器工作效率大于75%)
5. Output Characteristics(输出特性)
5.1. Output Voltage(输出电压)
No-load output voltageis specified at5.0~5.35V(空载输出电压范围5.0~5.35V.)
Full load output voltageis specified at4.80~5.25V(满载输出电压范围4.80~5.25V.)
5.2. Rated Output Current(额定输出电流)
The output current will be performed from1000mA
5.3. Rated Power(额定功率)
This adaptor is capable to support5Wattscontinuously at all specified conditions.
Note: the test shall be made under the following conditions, unless otherwise specified:
Ambient Temperature 25°C, Relative Humidity 35~85%RH
Air Pressure 86~106kPa
5.4. Output Ripple and Noise (输出纹波、噪音)
Output ripple voltage is less than100mV p-p (I=1000mA) Measured methods:
Performed by 20MHz bandwidth in oscilloscope.
Applied 0.1uF ceramic capacitor and 10uF electrolytic capacitor across output connector
terminals Measured at the end of DC cable.
(输出端并0.1uF与10uF电容,限制示波器带宽20MHz时,测得纹波小于50mV p-p)
5.5. Protection(保护)
5.6. Over Voltage Protection(过压保护)
The adaptor will be automatically self-limited while any component(s) failure and output
voltage will be tripped and protected below6.5V±0.35V the adaptor can not work after
the protection.
当元件失效或输出电压超过6.5V±0. 35V时,适配器自动保护,保护后不可恢复)
5.7. Over Current Protection(过流保护)
Output current will be limited and less than1150mA Max
输出过流保护电流1150mA Max)
5.8. Short Circuit Protection(短路保护)
The input power shall decrease when the output rail short, the power supply shall no damage, and shall be self-recovery when the fault condition is removed
6.Reliability Items (信赖性项目)
6.1. Electrostatic Discharge (静电)
At 150pF:330Ω, for each point, 10 shots of direct discharge or air discharge. (1
MΩ/SHOT), have no malfunction. Direct discharge: ±4kV, Air discharge: ±8kV
6.2. Hi-Pot Test (高压测试)
After AC 3000V1min between input plug-DC plug. cutoff current 5mA, the adaptor have
no failures like damages, arch, insulation damage etc.(at 25°C)
在25°C环境下,AC输入插头与DC插头之间加AC3000V 3S,电流5mA最大,
6.3. Insulation Resistance (绝缘电阻)
At 25°C after DC 500V 1min between input plug- DC plug,insulation resistance 100MΩ/min)
6.4. Leakage Current (泄漏电流)
0.25mA maximum, at nominal AC input voltage and frequency