315/433频率接收模块 高频遥控模块 无线接收模块 NT-R18C
*外贸产品转内销,厂家直销!价格优惠,量大从优! *并且诚招全国各地代理商,欢迎批发商前来洽谈和采购! Usage Manual for NT-R18C 315/433.92MHz ASK RECEIVER Description NT-R18C is our latest high performance anti-interference receiver module, it’s a single-conversion.super-heterodyne receiver architecture and incorporates an entire Phase-Locked Loop(PLL)for precise local oscillator generation. And can use in OOK/HCS/PWN modulation signal and demodulate to digital signal. It has obvious advantage to current other modules of a kind. Features - Low power consumption.
- Easy for application.
- On-Chip VCO with integrated PLL using crystal osciliator reference.
- Operation temperature range:-40℃+85℃
- Operation voitage:5 Voits.
- Availabie frequency at: 315/433.92MHz
- Receiver process microchip: BH4126FV
- Antenna length:24cmfor 315MHz,18cmfor 433.92MHz
Applications - Various vehicle and electrical bicycle security system
- Remote keyless entry wireless system
- Garage door remote control system
- Home security and other intelligent appliances wireless system
- Wireless mouse etc other automation system
Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter | Rating | Units | Supply voltage | 5 | V dc | Operating Temperature | -40 to +85 | ℃ |
Electronical Characteristics (+25℃) Parameter | Symbol | Condition | Specification | Unit | Min. | Typical | Max. | Operation Voltage | | | 4.5 | 5 | 5.5 | V | Frequency bandwidth | | At reducing sensitiveity 3 dbm | 0.75 | 1 | 1.25 | Mhz | Sensitivity | Psens | =5.0V 1 Kbps Data Rate | 315MHz | | -115 | -118 | dBm | 434MHz | | -115 | -118 | dBm | ASK out logic HIGH | VOH | Iload=10 A | 0.7* | | | V DC | ASK out logic LOW | VOL | Iload=10 A | | | 0.3* | V DC | Supply current |
| | 7.5 | 8.5 | 9.5 | mA | Tune on Time | Ton | Off-turn on | | 10 | | Ms | Data Rate | | | 300 | - | 8k | Bps | Output duty | | =5V;1kbps data rate | 40 | | 60 | % |
Pin Definition & Dimension & Typical 
Remark - Receive range is about: 250m with our general remote control (Tested in open area)
- The aerial is employing soft lead wire or other hard metal (Like telescopic aerial), The length
Should not be too long or too short, otherwise the length will affect the available receiving distance. If the aerial is using soft lead wire, it should be stretched as straight as possible in using and stay away from metal object. - The power voltage needs to be stable with low ripple factor and multilevel wave filtering (such as adding ic ball, insuctance, capacitance etc.)
- If the module works with SCM, it is mended that the clock frenquency of MCU should be under 4 MHz and the crystal is better to be kept away from RF receiver module, otherwise the high level harmonic wave of the crystal will affect communication distance
- Please note that the super-heterodyne receiving module has signal block problem at working time when it is too close to the remote control.
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