尼龙编织网管有优良的耐磨性能,它还拥有非常高的灵活性能,而且还能防多种的化学试剂。独特的单丝结构使其变得非常柔软和光滑。 KL-PA Nylon braid has excellent wear resistance, it also has a very high flexibility, but also against a variety of chemical reagents. The unique structure of the filaments so that it becomes very soft and smooth.
Automobile, space, military industry, wire, cable, wire, tube, fluid pipe provides a durable and tough protecting.
技术参数technical data:
材质(Material):尼龙66 Nylon66
工作温度(Working temperature):- 60℃ - + 160℃
熔点(Melt Poin):256℃
标准颜色(Standard color):黑色和灰色 Black and gray
裁切工具(Cutting tool):热刀Hot knife