1、 隐形无色荧光防伪油墨(UV and fluorescent security inks for invisible)
Description: UV and fluorescent security inks for invisible which are visible only under the right lighting(254nm or 365nm). The Inks are formulated for Silkscreen, Flexographic, Rotogravure, Intaglio, Letterpress and Offset printing press methods.
2、 有色荧光防伪油墨(UV and fluorescent security inks for visible)
Description: The security inks display light fluorescent color different from orangeal only under the right lighting(254nm or 365nm).UV and fluorescent security inks for visible which are visible only under the right lighting. The Inks are formulated for Silkscreen, Flexographic, Rotogravure, Intaglio, Letterpress and Offset printing press methods.
3、 红外防伪油墨(IR security inks for invisible or visible)
性能:红外防伪油墨是在红外光(780-980nm)激发下,能发出鲜艳黄绿色光的油墨。适用于所有印刷方式,例如,胶印、凹印、丝印、柔版印刷、凸印等。 胶印油墨包装为标准一公斤铁罐,凹印油墨包装为5升或10升塑料桶。
Description: IR security inks are visible only under the laser lighting(780-980nm).The Inks are formulated for Silkscreen, Flexo-graphic, Rotogravure, Intaglio, Letterpress and Offset printing press methods.
4、 热敏油墨(Thermo-chromic Inks)
热敏油墨又称热变色油墨、温变油墨。指在10-60℃摄氏度加热作用下,能发生变色效果的油墨。热致变色的原理是在加热情况下使变色化合物发生物理构象变化带来自身的吸光性变化。 主要适用于凹印、丝印印刷方式,也可以胶印、柔版印刷、凸印等。胶印油墨包装为标准一公斤铁罐,凹印油墨包装为5升或10升塑料桶。
Description: Thermo-chromic Inks are respond to changes in temperature by changing from 'colored to colorless' or 'colored to colored' with a rise in temperature and from 'colorless to colored' when the printed image is exposed to a drop in temperature. The Inks are formulated for Silkscreen, Flexo-graphic, Rotogravure, Intaglio, Letterpress and Off-set printing press methods.
5、 日光激发变色油墨(Sun-light sensitive security ink)
Description: Sun-light sensitive security ink are visible only under the sun-light or UV light. lighting(365nm). The Inks are formulated for Silkscreen, Flexo-graphic, Rotogravure, Intaglio, Letterpress and Offset printing press methods.