东莞市洋通电子有限公司是一家经国家相关部门批准注册的企业。东莞市洋通电子有限公司凭着良好的信用、优良的服务与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。主营磁芯、骨架、磁环等电子材料的工厂,并且可以按客人的电感要求研磨,公司经营多年,研磨精密度非常高,可控制在+/-2帕范围内,其中包括(EE EEL EF EFD EP EPC EQ PQ POT RM UU UYF UI FT ET UT EER ERL ETD EI GU罐型等规格)工厂经营多年.规格齐全,质量保证,价格优惠,公司位于电子名镇---石碣镇。公司本着“客户第一,诚信至上”的原则,与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。热诚欢迎各界朋友前来参观、考察、洽谈业务!
Dongguan Yang Tong Electronic Co., Ltd. is a foreign country for the approval by the registered enterprise. Dongguan Yang Electronic Co., Ltd. With good credit, excellent service and a number of enterprises established long-term partnership. Main Core, skeleton, ic and other electronic materials, plant, and can be requested by guests inductance ground, the company many years of very high precision grinding, can be controlled within + / -2 Pa range, including (EE EEL EF EFD EP EPC EQ PQ POT RM UU UYF UI FT ET UT EER ERL ETD EI GU pot size, etc.) plant for many years. specifications, quality assurance, price concessions, the company is located in Shijie Town --- E-town. "Customer first, honesty first" principle, and the number of enterprises established long-term partnership. Warmly e friends come to visit, study, business negotiations!
Dong Guan Yang Tong electronics CO.,LTD
Tel:0769-33354419 33398653
trade passes: ytdz008
QQ: 1391956656
ICQ: 569-007-884
E- mail: wydz001@
东莞市洋通电子有限公司是一家经国家相关部门批准注册的企业。东莞市洋通电子有限公司凭着良好的信用、优良的服务与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。主营磁芯、骨架、磁环,三层绝缘线等电子材料的工厂,并且可以按客人的电感要求研磨,公司经营多年,研磨精密度非常高,可控制在+/-2帕范围内,其中包括(EE EEL EF EFD EP EPC EQ PQ POT RM UU UYF UI FT ET UT EER ERL ETD EI GU罐型等规格)工厂经营多年.规格齐全,质量保证,价格优惠,公司位于电子名镇---石碣镇。公司本着“客户第一,诚信至上”的原则,与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。热诚欢迎各界朋友前来参观、考察、洽谈业务!
Dongguan Yang Tong Electronic Co., Ltd. is a foreign country for the approval by the registered enterprise. Dongguan Yang Electronic Co., Ltd. With good credit, excellent service and a number of enterprises established long-term partnership. Main Core, skeleton, ic and other electronic materials, plant, and can be requested by guests inductance ground, the company many years of very high precision grinding, can be controlled within + / -2 Pa range, including (EE EEL EF EFD EP EPC EQ PQ POT RM UU UYF UI FT ET UT EER ERL ETD EI GU pot size, etc.) plant for many years. specifications, quality assurance, price concessions, the company is located in Shijie Town --- E-town. "Customer first, honesty first" principle, and the number of enterprises established long-term partnership. Warmly e friends come to visit, study, business negotiations!
trade passes: ytdz008
QQ: 1391956656
ICQ: 569-007-884
E- mail:wydz001@
东莞市洋通电子有限公司是一家经国家相关部门批准注册的企业。东莞市洋通电子有限公司凭着良好的信用、优良的服务与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。主营磁芯、骨架、磁环等电子材料的工厂,并且可以按客人的电感要求研磨,公司经营多年,研磨精密度非常高,可控制在+/-2帕范围内,其中包括(EE EEL EF EFD EP EPC EQ PQ POT RM UU UYF UI FT ET UT EER ERL ETD EI GU罐型等规格)工厂经营多年.规格齐全,质量保证,价格优惠,公司位于电子名镇---石碣镇。公司本着“客户第一,诚信至上”的原则,与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。热诚欢迎各界朋友前来参观、考察、洽谈业务!
Dongguan Yang Tong Electronic Co., Ltd. is a foreign country for the approval by the registered enterprise. Dongguan Yang Electronic Co., Ltd. With good credit, excellent service and a number of enterprises established long-term partnership. Main Core, skeleton, ic and other electronic materials, plant, and can be requested by guests inductance ground, the company many years of very high precision grinding, can be controlled within + / -2 Pa range, including (EE EEL EF EFD EP EPC EQ PQ POT RM UU UYF UI FT ET UT EER ERL ETD EI GU pot size, etc.) plant for many years. specifications, quality assurance, price concessions, the company is located in Shijie Town --- E-town. "Customer first, honesty first" principle, and the number of enterprises established long-term partnership. Warmly e friends come to visit, study, business negotiations!
Dong Guan Yang Tong electronics CO.,LTD
Tel:0769-33354419 33398653
trade passes: ytdz008
QQ: 1391956656
ICQ: 569-007-884
E- mail: wydz001@
磁芯 骨架UF10.5 uu10.5 80000
Dongguan Yang Tong Electronic Co., Ltd. is a foreign country for the approval by the registered enterprise. Dongguan Yang Electronic Co., Ltd. With good credit, excellent service and a number of enterprises established long-term partnership. Main Core, skeleton, ic and other electronic materials, plant, and can be requested by guests inductance ground, the company many years of very high precision grinding, can be controlled within + / -3Pa range, including (EE EEL EF EFD EP EPC EQ PQ POT RM UU UYF UI FT ET UT EER ERL ETD EI GU pot size, etc.) plant for many years. specifications, quality assurance, price concessions, the company is located in Shijie Town --- E-town. "Customer first, honesty first" principle, and the number of enterprises established long-term partnership. Warmly e friends come to visit, study, business negotiations!本公司是一家经国家相关部门批准注册的企业。东莞市洋通电子有限公司凭着良好的信用、优良的服务与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。主营磁芯、骨架、磁环等电子材料的工厂,并且可以按客人的电感要求研磨,公司经营多年,研磨精密度非常高,可控制在+/-3帕范围内,其中包括(EE EEL EF EFD EP EPC EQ PQ POT RM UU UYF UI FT ET UT EER ERL ETD EI GU罐型等规格)工厂经营多年.规格齐全,质量保证,价格优惠,公司位于电子名镇---石碣镇。公司本着“客户第一,诚信至上”的原则,与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。热诚欢迎各界朋友前来参观、考察、洽谈业务!
trade passes: ytdz008
QQ: 1391956656
ICQ: 569-007-884
E- mail: wydz001@
东莞市洋通电子有限公司是一家经国家相关部门批准注册的企业。东莞市洋通电子有限公司凭着良好的信用、优良的服务与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。主营磁芯、骨架、磁环等电子材料的工厂,并且可以按客人的电感要求研磨,公司经营多年,研磨精密度非常高,可控制在+/-2帕范围内,其中包括(EE EEL EF EFD EP EPC EQ PQ POT RM UU UYF UI FT ET UT EER ERL ETD EI GU罐型等规格)工厂经营多年.规格齐全,质量保证,价格优惠,公司位于电子名镇---石碣镇。公司本着“客户第一,诚信至上”的原则,与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。热诚欢迎各界朋友前来参观、考察、洽谈业务!
Dongguan Yang Tong Electronic Co., Ltd. is a foreign country for the approval by the registered enterprise. Dongguan Yang Electronic Co., Ltd. With good credit, excellent service and a number of enterprises established long-term partnership. Main Core, skeleton, ic and other electronic materials, plant, and can be requested by guests inductance ground, the company many years of very high precision grinding, can be controlled within + / -2 Pa range, including (EE EEL EF EFD EP EPC EQ PQ POT RM UU UYF UI FT ET UT EER ERL ETD EI GU pot size, etc.) plant for many years. specifications, quality assurance, price concessions, the company is located in Shijie Town --- E-town. "Customer first, honesty first" principle, and the number of enterprises established long-term partnership. Warmly e friends come to visit, study, business negotiations!
Dong Guan Yang Tong electronics CO.,LTD
Tel:0769-33354419 33398653
trade passes: ytdz008
QQ: 1391956656
ICQ: 569-007-884
E- mail: wydz001@
变压器骨架 磁芯 EFD15 卧4+4 1
东莞市洋通电子有限公司是一家经国家相关部门批准注册的企业。东莞市洋通电子有限公司凭着良好的信用、优良的服务与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。主营磁芯、骨架、磁环,三层绝缘线等电子材料的工厂,并且可以按客人的电感要求研磨,公司经营多年,研磨精密度非常高,可控制在+/-2帕范围内,其中包括(EE EEL EF EFD EP EPC EQ PQ POT RM UU UYF UI FT ET UT EER ERL ETD EI GU罐型等规格)工厂经营多年.规格齐全,质量保证,价格优惠,公司位于电子名镇---石碣镇。公司本着“客户第一,诚信至上”的原则,与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。热诚欢迎各界朋友前来参观、考察、洽谈业务!
Dongguan Yang Tong Electronic Co., Ltd. is a foreign country for the approval by the registered enterprise. Dongguan Yang Electronic Co., Ltd. With good credit, excellent service and a number of enterprises established long-term partnership. Main Core, skeleton, ic and other electronic materials, plant, and can be requested by guests inductance ground, the company many years of very high precision grinding, can be controlled within + / -2 Pa range, including (EE EEL EF EFD EP EPC EQ PQ POT RM UU UYF UI FT ET UT EER ERL ETD EI GU pot size, etc.) plant for many years. specifications, quality assurance, price concessions, the company is located in Shijie Town --- E-town. "Customer first, honesty first" principle, and the number of enterprises established long-term partnership. Warmly e friends come to visit, study, business negotiations!
trade passes: ytdz008
QQ: 1391956656
ICQ: 569-007-884
E- mail:wydz001@
磁芯骨架uu16 uu15.7 立式 尺寸图
欢迎来电采购 我们将全力满足你的要求
磁芯骨架uu16 uu15.7立式 尺寸图
Dong Guan Yang Tong electronics CO.,LTD
Yang Tong Part No: YT-1505-1
PayPal: tinacai@
支付宝: wydz001@
支持混批,[500]元以上起批 或者 [2000]个以上起批
各款规格磁芯 骨架 混款批发,广东省内,单次满500元赠送邮费。外省满1000元,免运费 13711869742 0769-33354419 QQ1391956656 甘小姐 庄先生 如果有部分客人需要少量研发样品的,请到我司的零售店购买 具体优惠等情况请跟我们掌柜联络