The FT-857D, the world's smallest HF/VHF/UHF mobile transceiver, provides base station-type performance from an pact package that's ideal for mobile or external battery portable work. Wide frequency coverage, outstandig receiver performance, and the convenience of optional remote-head operation make the FT-857D the expert's choice for high-performance mobile operation!
The new FT-857D version includes coverage of the U.S. 60-meter (5 MHz) band, plus the previously-optional DSP circuitry, at no additional cost!
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Ultra Compact DesignMeasuring just 6.1” x 2” x 9.2” (155 x 52 x 233 mm), the FT-857 is the world’s smallest full-power HF/VHF/UHF multimode transceiver! Its rugged case design is a masterpiece of ergonomic design, with often-used switches and knobs conveniently positioned for easy ess.High-Performance Receiver DesignBuilding on the laimed performance of the FT-1000D, Mark-V FT-1000MP, and FT-897, Yaesu’s engineers have crafted the FT-857’s front end for a very low noise floor, along with wide dynamic range. Utilizing an up-conversion architecture for HF with a first IF of 68.33 MHz, the FT-857 features a double-conversion superheterodyne system (triple conversion on FM), with the 2nd IF at 10.7 MHz. Extensive bandpass filtering in the front end, along with careful device selection and gain distribution, yield a receiver system ready for the strong-signal challenges of today’s crowded bands!Wide Frequency CoverageProviding transmitter coverage of the HF, 50 MHz, 144 MHz, and 430 MHz Amateur bands, the FT-857 also includes receive coverage on 100 kHz to 56 MHz, 76 to 108 MHz, 118-164 MHz, and 420-470 MHz. Enjoy the excitement of public safety monitoring, along with weather broadcasts, AM and FM broadcasts, aviation communications, as well as the action on the Ham bands!Versatile Memory SystemThe FT-857 provides up to 200 “Main” memory channels, each of which may be named with an Alpha-Numeric label of up to eight characters. These 200 Memories may be separated into as many as 10 Memory Groups of 20 Memories each. For added convenience, you also get a “Quick Memory” and a “Home Channel” on each band, plus ten pairs of band-limit memories, to let you restrict operation to a sub-band, if you like.Digital Signal Processing (option)For superior interference rejection and transmitter “talk power,” the FT-857’s optional DSP circuitry enhances both sides of the communications circuit. The FT-857’s DSP Unit features a 24-bit high-tech D/A chip for signal processing. Included are Bandpass Filter, Auto-Notch, and Noise Reduction filters, along with a Microphone Equalizer.Big Radio Tuning Dial and Outstanding ErgonomicsEase of operation of the FT-857 is enhanced by the large-diameter (1.7”) Main Tuning Dial, similar in size to the tuning knob of many base station rigs. Selectable tuning steps of 2 kHz/4 kHz per revolution allow easy navigation around your favorite bands, while important keys and switches are strategically placed around the front panel for quick ess. |
频率覆盖范围 接收100kHz-56Mhz,76-108Mhz,118-164Mhz,420-470Mhz 发射160-0.7米波段
FT 857收发信操作(SSB、CW部分)-----------------------------------
SSB/AM 发射的基本安装、操作
1 .按压[模式(+)]或[模式(-)]按键以便选择任何一个 SSB ( LSB/USB )或AM模式。在 SSB 模式下,如果你正在操作7MHz或以下的波段,请选择 LSB 模式。如果你正在操作 14MHz或更高的波段乐队,选择 USB 模式。
2 .按压[ FUNC ]键一下,然后旋转选择旋钮,直到多功能菜单“i”[MTR,PWR,DISP]出现在显示屏上
3 .现在按[A](MTR)或[B]选择“ALC”表显示(“ALC”将出现在显示屏上)。你需要压[A]或[B]键来选择切换
4 .按住麦克风的PTT开关,以正常的声音水平对准麦克风说话,同时观察ALC表的指示。
5 .如果 ALC表太高的,或太低,你需要重新调整麦克风增益:
声控系统提供基于声音输入切换到麦克风的自动的发射/接收的操作。当声控系统启用了,你不需要压 PTT 开关就可以进行发射
1 .按压[ FUNC ]键一下,然后旋转选择旋钮,直到多功能菜单“ d ”[ RPT ,REV,VOX]
2 .按压[ C ]键激活声控电路
3 .不按 PTT 开关,用正常的音量对麦克风说话,当你开始说话时,发射机应该自动发射,当你完成说话时, 机器应该回到接收模式(在短延时以后)。
4 .取消声控回到 PTT 操作,再按压[ C ]键即可。
5 .声控增益可以在88号系统菜单里进行调整以便适应你的收发环境。
当操作 SSB 模式时, PROC语音压缩处理器能增加你的平均发射功率。
1 .按压[FUNC]键,然后转动选择旋钮,调至多功能菜单“ c ”[ STO , RCL PROC]
2 .按压[ C ]( PROC )激活语音压缩处理器。“>”图标将出现在“ PROC ”标志的左边。
3 .现在按压 PTT键,并且在正常的声音水平说话,象往常一样。
4 .撤销语音压缩处理器,再按压[ C ]( PROC )键。
5 .压缩水平可以经由74号菜单被调整。
DSP 麦克风均衡器(要求安装可选的 DSP-2 单元),这将允许你改变你声音的高低音听觉的特征。
1 .按压并且保持在[ DSP ]键一秒以上。这立即调出菜单模式 No-048 [DSP MIC EQ]。
2 .旋转主旋钮选择下列预置均衡选项之一:
OFF :不使用DSP功能
Equalization :低通滤波(较低的频率被强调)
HPF :高通滤波(较高的频率被强调)
3 .当你做了选择后,按压[ FUNC ]键一秒保存设置并退出。
CW 发射操作
1 .插入你的电键到机器的电键插孔内。
2 .按压[模式(+)]或[模式(-)]键,选择CW或CWR 。“CW”模式用于14MHz以上波段,“CWR”用于7MHz以下波段。
3 .按压[ FUNC ]键一下,然后旋转选择旋钮至多功能菜单“j”[SPOT, BK , KYR ]。按压[ B ]( BK )激活“插入”模式;“>”图标偶像将在“BK”标志的左边出现。
4 .当你按下电键时,发射机将自动地发射信号。当你完成发送后,收发信机将延迟一小段时间后转为接收状态。
5 .CW的收发转换时间在第24号系统菜单中调整,缺省延迟时间是250ms。
6 .当[ B ]( BK )键“>”图标消失后,你可以使用电键练习,机器将只发出电码侧音,不会有电波信号被发射。
7 .你能在菜单模式 No-029 中调整 CW 侧音的音量。
8 .你能在菜单模式 No-027 中调整 CW 侧音的音调。
联 系 人:魏文敏女士(销售经理)和我联系
电 话:86 0755 23607378
传 真:86 0755 23607378
展销地址:深圳福田区华强北汇通安防B060 0755-82779125