PP、PE废旧薄膜破碎清洗回收生产线主要由:输送带、破碎机、磨擦清洗机、沉淀漂洗池、螺旋提升机、脱水机、风管干燥系统、料仓、控制面板等组成。PP, PE waste film crushing cleaning recycling production line is mainly composed of: conveyor, crusher, washer, precipitation and rinsing pool, spiral winding machine, dryer, dry air duct system, bin, control panel, etc.
PP、PE废旧薄膜破碎清洗回收生产线是通过引进、消化吸收国际同行业的先进理念和技术、并结合当今发展的需求和废塑料二次应用的特性研制开发而成。可以满足国内外对废塑料再生处理的环保要求。主要处理的料物为PE/PP塑料、PE/PP塑料垃圾混杂物、废旧PP编织袋、塑料袋、生活垃圾塑料、废旧农膜地膜。整条生产线从开始作业到成品,可非常容易的清洗废塑料制品。废脏农用薄膜,废包装材料或硬塑料在这里一步步得到处理。整条生产线简洁而有效的设计使得流水线在国内外大受欢迎。PP, PE waste film cleaning recycling production line is made by introduction, digestion and absorption of advanced international industry concepts and technologies, combined with the needs of the development and characteristics of the waste plastics development. It can meet the environmental requirements of the processing of waste plastics recycling at home and abroad. Main processing material contents are the PE/PP plastic, PE/PP plastic olio, waste PP woven bag, plastic bags, household waste plastics, and waste agricultural plastic films. The whole production line from starting to complete product can be very easy to wash waste plastic products. Dirty agricultural films, waste packing material or hard plastics are processed here. The whole production line is very popular both at home and abroad because of its concise and effective designed
严格按照CE认证要求的生产工艺使得机器的质量,安全性更加的可靠。The production process of machine meets the requirements of, CE certification, so the security is more reliable.
PP、PE薄膜破碎清洗设备产量:100—1200kg/hPP, PE film crushing cleaning equipment production: 100-1200 kg/h
标签: PP PE清洗 PE薄膜清洗 PE薄膜回收 废旧薄膜清洗 废旧薄膜回收 废薄膜清洗 薄膜清洗回收。
PP, PE waste film crushing cleaning recycling production line, PP, PE film crushing cleaning equipment, waste film recycling waste polluting plastics membrane cleaning equipment, cleaning equipment, waste plastics cleaning equipment, waste plastic washing line, waste plastic washing line professional manufacturers.
Tags: PP PE washing, PE film washing, PE film recycling, waste film cleaning, waste film recycling, waste film recycling, film cleaning.
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