堇青石—莫来石棚板: 是以堇青石,莫来石两种材料混合成型,经高温烧结而成。 Cordierite-Mullite Board: It is made by high sintering cordierite and mullite together. ·优点: Advantage: 具有良好的热稳定性,使用寿命长。特别适用在陶瓷、玻璃、冶金、化工等快速烧成的辊道窑上使用。 Have the good and hot stability, the service life is long. Apply in ceramics, glass, metallurgy, chemical engineering etc areas. ·常用规格(mm): Dimension in common usage (mm): 600*500 600*470 600*400 500*500 500*370 500*340 500*450 485*460 450*450 450*420 420*380 360*360 340*340 330*330 320*320 310*310 注:厚度可按客户要求生产 Note :The thickness can be produced by customers’ require ·堇青石—莫来石棚板理化指标