E14灯头通规 (7006-27F-1 )使用方法说明(中英文对照)
a) 将灯头拧进量规,能顺利拧入,表示灯头符合灯头螺纹的最大尺寸要求;
b) 将灯头完全旋入量规时,灯头触点平面应与量规X面共面或凸出于X面,则表示灯头长度符合最小尺寸要求。
Purpose:To check the maximum dimensions of the screw thread and dimension T1 minimum of E14 caps on finished lamps.
Testing: When the cap on a finished lamp has been screwed into the gauge as far as it will go, the centre contact shall be co-planar with , or project beyond surface X
E14灯头止规 (7006-28B-1)操作使用说明方法(中英文)
Purpose: To check the minimum outside(major) diameter of the screw thread, dimension d ,of E14 caps on finished lamps.
Testing : when the gauge is placed over the thread of the cap on a finished lamp,held cap uppermost ,the centre contact shall not project beyond surface X
Only the weight of the gauge itself shall be used in the test.