Name: Cupric Oxide
分 子 式:CuO
Molecular formula:CuO
分 子 量:79.54
Molecular Weight:79.54
性 质:氧化铜为黑色至棕黑色无定型粉末或结晶、颗料(为单斜结晶)。相对密度6.315,熔点1446℃,溶化热11.80KJ/mol,莫氏硬度3-4,介电常数18.10,不溶于水,溶于酸、氨水、氯化铵,溶于氢氧化钠,生成蓝色溶液,在高温下通入氢气或一氧化碳可还原为金属铜粉。
Character:Cupric Oxide is the black nonfinalize design powder or crystallize, pellet (monophase powder) with density 6.313, melting
point 1446℃, melting rate11.80KJ/mol, hardness 3.4, dielectric constant 18.10. It doesnt dissolve in water, but dissolves
is in acid, ammononia water, ammonium chloride, then turns into blue solution. It can be also turned back to copper powder
with hydrogen or carbon monoxide in high temperature.
规 格 Specification | 氧化铜(CuO)≥98% Copper Oxide(CuO)≥98% | 水可溶物≤0.1% Water soluble≤0.1% | 硫酸盐(So4)≤0.2% Sulfate(So4)≤0.2% |
盐酸不溶物≤0.2% Chlorhydricacid indissolvableness≤0.2% | 氯化物(Clˉ)≤0.2% Chloride(Clˉ)≤0.2% | 细度(100目残余物)≤0.3% Fine≤0.3% |
作 用 Effect | 主要用于玻璃、陶瓷、搪瓷、颜料行业,夺出剂、杀菌剂、太阳能表面热吸收器、降低烟草焦油、人工降雨材料等。如 玻璃、陶瓷、搪瓷的绿色、红色或蓝色颜料,光学玻璃磨光剂,油类的脱硫剂,有机合成的催化剂,制造人造宝石及其 它铜氧化物、气体分析和制造人造丝等。 Mainly used in the industry areas of glass,ceramics,enamel and colours ,etc.It can be used as germicide,solar heat absorption material,artificial rainmaking material;it can also reduce o tar.  

包 装:25KG内衬聚乙烯塑料袋外复合编织袋,或50KG铁桶、纸板桶。
Package:Interior polyethylene plastic bag and exterior composite knit bag with the capacity 25kgs or 50kgs metal drum or paperboard drum.

Storage and transportation:It should be stored in dry storehouse to prevent from wetting and separated from strong acid and foodstuff materials. When in fire, it can be rescued by water, sand or extinguisher.