符合中国信息产业部YD/T 1187-2006标准
General conditions
Splitter bandwidth DC to 17.3 kHz
Nominal voice band 300 Hz to 3.4 kHz
Billing tone 12/16 kHz ± 1 %
Ringing frequency 25 Hz to 50 Hz
ADSL band 25 kHz to 2208 kHz
Line Impedance Zreal(1) 200 Hz to 4 kHz 600 ohms
CO impedance ZTc 200 Hz to 4 kHz 600 ohms
RT impedance ZTr 200 Hz to 4 kHz 600 ohms
Modem impedance 32 kHz to 2208 kHz 100 ohms
Operation voltage voice band
Nominal signal 21 mVp-p to 5.4 Vp-p
Billing tone 10 Vp-p to 30.2 Vp-p
Ringing signal 100 Vrms
DC voltage 100 V
Max. AC voltage 100 Vrms with 100 VDC offset
Max. differential 250 V
Operation current voice band
DC Loop current < 100 mA
DC requirements
DC resistance The sum of A-wire and B-wire
resistances from the LINE to
the TELE port; term = 0 Ω < 25 ohms
Isolation resistance,
branch-earth 100 VDC; term = ∞ Ω > 20 Mohms
Isolation resistance, branch-branch 100 VDC; term = ∞ Ω > 5 Mohms
Voice band requirements
Insertion loss (Zreal(1)) @ 1 kHz < 0.3 dB
Splitter parameter Electrical requirements
Range Values
Insertion loss distortion
(Zreal(1)) 200 Hz to 4 kHz
(relative to 1 kHz)
Return loss at TELE port
(Zreal(1)) 300 Hz to 500 Hz > 14 dB
500 Hz to 2000 Hz > 18 dB
2000 Hz to 3400 Hz > 14 dB
Unbalance about earth (LCL & TCL) (Zreal(1)) 200 Hz to 1 kHz > 58 dB
1 kHz to 3 kHz > 53 dB
Group delay distortion
(Zreal(1)) 200 Hz to 600 Hz < 250 usec
600 Hz to 3.2 kHz < 200 usec
3.2 kHz to 4 kHz < 250 usec
Intermodulation distortion products > 60 dB
Frequencies and levels for pulse
metering (in 200 Ω) 12/16 kHz ± 1 %
ADSL band requirements
Stop band attenuation
(Zreal(1) & ZRHF) 30 kHz to 138 kHz > 45 dB
Stop band attenuation
(Zreal(1) & ZRHF) 138 kHz to 2208 kHz > 55 dB
Input impedance
(loading of ADSL signal path) 32 kHz to 2208 kHz < 0.25 dB

