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| UL3135 (硅橡胶绝缘电线) *额定Rating -60℃~200℃,600V *标准Standard UL Subject 758 *胜牌标准规格书:Triumph Cable specification;SHENGPAI 3135 说明: *导体使用镀锡铜26~12AWG(0.12~3.31mm2)的单支线或多支绞钱(The use of tinned copper conductor 26~12AWG(0.12~3.31mm2)of Single-wire feeder or branch) *绝缘采用硅橡胶,颜色为:白,红,黑,蓝,绿,黄,棕,橙,半透明等(Silicone rubber insulation used,colors are:white,red,black,blue,Green,yellow,brown,orange,translucent and so on) 用途: *各种器械,灯饰灯具,家用电器,电子设备等连接线。(Avariety of equipment,linghting lamps,household appliances,electronic equipment,cable,etc.) 点击查看该类型产品技术参数 | 
技术参数 | UL3239 (硅橡胶绝缘电线) *额定Rating -60℃~200℃,3KV,6KV,10KV,20KV,30KV,40KV,50KV,150KV *标准Standard UL Subject 758 *胜牌标准规格书:Triumph Cable specification;SHENGPAI 3239 说明: *导体使用镀锡铜26~14AWG(0.79~1.96mm2)的单支线或多支绞钱(The use of tinned copper conductor 26~12AWG(0.79~1.96mm2)of Single-wire feeder or branch) *绝缘采用硅橡胶,颜色为:白,红,黑,蓝,绿,黄,棕,橙,半透明等(Silicone rubber insulation used,colors are:white,red,black,blue,Green,yellow,brown,orange,translucent and so on) 用途: *适用于各种家用电器,微波炉,霓虹灯,传真机,打印机,复印机,扫描仪等。(Apply to Home ELectric appliances,neon lingts,fax-machines,scanners,duplicating machines and so on.) 点击查看该类型产品技术参数 | 
| UL1332 (FEP铁氟龙电线) *额定Rating -100℃~200℃,300V *标准Standard UL Subject 758 *胜牌标准规格书:Triumph Cable specification;SHENGPAI 1332 说明: *难燃性UL:VW-1,电气用品安全法:-F- (Flammability VW-1,-F-) *外径细,不占配线空间。(Small diameter saves spave) *耐高温,低温,酸,碱,油,阻燃(High temperature resistance,low temperature resistance,anti-acid,anti-oil,antisepsis and moisture) 用途:*适用于电子设备,小型电气装置的内部配线。电脑,办公设备的内部配线等。(Internal wiring for electronic equipment and small, electrical equipment lnteral wiring for computers and business equipment.) 点击查看该类型产品技术参数 |  技术参数
| UL1015 耐热PVC电线 (Heat resistant PVC wire) *额定Rating 105℃,600V *标准Standard UL Subject 758 *胜牌标准规格书:Triumph Cable specification;CHENGXING 1015 说明:*难燃性UL:VW-1,电气用品安全法:-F- (Flammability VW-1,-F-) 导体使用镀锡铜24~6AWG(0.79~3.31mm2)的单支线或多支绞钱(The use of tinned copper conductor 26~12AWG(0.79~3.31mm2)of Single-wire feeder or branch) 用途: *适用于电气,电子设备的内部配线(一次电路的导线)。(Internal wiring for electric equipment.(Lead wire for primary circuits) 点击查看该类型产品技术参数 | 
| UL1672 辐射交联PVC双重绝缘电线(lnadiated cross-linked PVC double insulated wire) *额定Rating 105℃,300V 说明: *难燃性UL:VW-1,电气用品安全法:-F-(Flammability VW-1,-F-) *部分最小厚度在0.4mm以上,适用于欧洲。(With minimum thickness more than 0.40mm at any point,this wire is ideal for European markets) *经辐射交联,对热稳定。(Excellent thermal stability due to irradiatedcross-linked insulation) *耐磨损性,机械强度出色。(Excellent abrasion resistance and mechanicalstrength.) 用途: *适用于电气,电子设备的内部配线,可用于有锐利边缘部品附近,一次电路。(Internal wiring for electric or electronic equipment.Particularly for primary circuits and near sharp edges. 点击查看该类型产品技术参数 | 
| UL1007 耐热PVC电线 (Heat resistant PVC wire) *额定Rating 80℃,300V *标准Standard UL Subject 758 *胜牌标准规格书:Triumph Cable specification;CHENGXING 1007 说明: *难燃性UL:VW-1,电气用品安全法:-F- (Flammability VW-1,-F-) 导体使用镀锡铜24~16AWG(0.41~1.91mm2)的单支线或多支绞钱(The use of tinned copper conductor 26~12AWG(0.41~1.91mm2)of Single-wire feeder or branch) 用途: *适用于电气,电子设备的内部配线(一次电路的导线)。(Internal wiring for electric equipment.(Lead wire for primary circuits) 点击查看该类型产品技术参数 | 
| UL3122硅胶(硅橡胶)编织线 (Silica wire) *额定Rating -60℃~200℃,300V *标准Standard UL Subject 758 *胜牌标准规格书:Triumph Cable specification;CHENGXING 1007 说明: *外径容差±0.1mm,试验电压1500V(O.D. Tolerance±0.1mm,Testing voltage 1500V) *绝缘材料采用硅橡胶,颜色为白色或半透明等 护层为玻璃纤维编织,颜色有:白,红,黑,蓝,绿,黄,棕,黄绿等。(The use of silicone rubber insulation material,color is white or transluceng,such as Care for the glass fiber woven layers,colorsare:white,red,black,blue,Green,yellow,brown,orange,translucent and so on) 用途: *适用于电气,电子设备的内部配线(一次电路的导线)。(Internal wiring for electric equipment.(Lead wire for primary circuits) 点击查看该类型产品技术参数 | 
技术参数 | HID高压线 *额定Rating -60℃~200℃,30KV,50KV *标准Standard UL Subject 758 *胜牌标准规格书:Triumph Cable specification;CHENGXING 1007 说明: *0.5平方(20/0.18TS)镀锡铜丝线,耐温200度芯线,外被为黑色PVC,温度-40~105度 *常规外径:6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.8, 9.0 用途: *适用于汽车氙气灯,车头大灯,汽车刹车高频线束,摩托车头大灯,摩托车刹车高频线束,高压包组合,汽车线束,汽车连接器等。 点击查看该类型产品技术参数 | 
| VDE HO5S-K硅橡胶绝缘电线(Silica wire) *额定Rating -60℃~180℃,300V/500V *标准Standard UL Subject 758 *胜牌标准规格书:Triumph Cable specification;CHENGXING 1007 说明: *外径容差±0.1mm,试验电压1500V(O.D. Tolerance±0.1mm,Testing voltage 1500V) *绝缘材料采用硅橡胶,颜色为白色或半透明等 护层为玻璃纤维编织,颜色有:白,红,黑,蓝,绿,黄,棕,黄绿等。(The use of silicone rubber insulation material,color is white or transluceng,such as Care for the glass fiber woven layers,colorsare:white,red,black,blue,Green,yellow,brown,orange,translucent and so on) 用途: *各种灯饰灯头,家用电器,电子机电的内部固定连接线。(They are the same with the inner fixed wires for head lamp.Home appliance,mechancal and electricl machine,ect) 点击查看该类型产品技术参数 | 
| UL2464 多芯PVC电线 耐温80度,耐压300V *额定Rating 80℃,300V *标准Standard UL Subject 758 *胜牌标准规格书:Triumph Cable specification;CHENGXING 2464 说明: *难燃性UL:VW-1,电气用品安全法:-F- (Flammability VW-1,-F-) *常做规格从28AWG-18AWG,2C~12C 用途: *可做机箱电源线,插版连接线,充电器连接线。 点击查看该类型产品技术参数 |