手摇研磨机 有500#,150#,高斗,低斗系列研磨机,我公司长年生产出口:绞肉机,研磨机,刨冰机,碳(炭}熨斗,灌肠器,汉堡机,果汁机,玉米机,面条机。手摇油泵,手摇砂轮架,手摇钻,鞋钉,千斤顶,钢叉镐,铁锹,白铁剪刀等食品机械,五金工农具产品。质优价廉,长年出口畅销欧美[如美国沃尔玛超市,QVC公司],德国,俄罗斯,中东,东南亚,非洲,等国家和地区。出口率为99.9%,其中绞肉机月产量10*20”GP,
E-mail: hl-machinery@
Our company mainly manufacture: meat mincer ,corn grinder or corn mill ,corn thresher ,ice
shaving machine ,juicer ,noodle machine ,apple peeler,orange peeler,sausage stuffer
machine,hamburger machine, charcoal iron,hand drill, hand operated grinder wheel
frame,hammer,axe,shovel,SCRAPER bricklayer,steel pick,steel fork,shoe tack,common
nail,roofing nail,packing needle,hand sewing needle ,screw, safety pin etc .shoe
,plywood,gypsum board,T-SHIRT ,colth,,plastic and willow basket,Ceramic dish,Artificial
silk ,dehydrated garlic powder .
Meat mincer manufacture 10*20gp/one month ,Export to America,[such as: walmarket ]South
1.Meat mincer include hand operated and hand&motro operated ,electro plate tin meat mincer,fire plate meat mincer, sliver paint meat mincer, stainless steel meat mincer, ther are #5,#8,#10,#12,#22,#32,#42 ETC
2.Corn machine ,GRAIN MILL,grinder/muller: include:500# ,150# high hopper &low hopper,150# etc.
3.Saussage stuffer machine,Juice machine :material:cast iron &staliness, tined-plate.
4.Charcoal iron :752#,751#,701#,753#,707# etc,2.1KG 2.3kg,2.5kg,2.7kg ...... BUT NO soncap
5.Ice shaving machine :hand-operated there are in complete packing &in bulk packing ,hand&motro operated[PLATE HAVE BRASS PLATE ,AND BRASS-PLATED PLATEETC]
6.Shoe tack: 1/2",5/8",3/4", 1"