The CodeWarrior TAP enables Freescale target system debugging via a standard debug port (usually JTAG) while connected to a developer’s workstation via or USB. The CodeWarrior TAP may also be referred to by industry standard terms such as probe, JTAG probe, JTAG emulator or target probe.
Using the CodeWarrior TAP’s connection, developers can debug systems remotely or more effectively share a single system with multiple developers. When a shared system is not needed, CodeWarrior TAP connects directly to the developer’s workstation with a single USB cable. Power is supplied by the USB port so that no additional cables are needed.
The CodeWarrior TAP is designed to work in conjunction with Freescale CodeWarrior development tools and Freescale processors. It is a critical debug tool in all phases of the project and is necessary for debugging systems prior to running a fully debugged operating system.
李 进
TEL :0755-36675904
MOB :13798234453
FAX :0755-83244576
ADD :深圳市福田区福明路雷圳大厦西半层503室(上海宾馆对面)
EMAIL :lijin810230@
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