简介 本产品获得美国UL认证加拿大CUL认证,欧洲GS认证, CE认证, RoHS认证T5荧光灯/T5支架灯/橱柜灯[可连接型可串连灯具],家俱灯,家具灯/荧光灯T5灯管支架, 适用于家俱橱柜书柜灯箱机械水族箱水族画装修背景光等照明 UL Listed, CE, GS, RoHS listed approved T5 Under Fluorescent Fixtures Lamp, Linkable Fluorescent Fixtures, T5 Fluorescent Light and Fixtures. used for home decorate, furnitures lighting, lighting, back lighting.
1. 工作电压: 110V-120V, 60Hz. 美规;或220V-230V-240V, 50Hz; 欧规; /Operating Voltages: North America 110V-120V, 60Hz. or EU 220V-230V-240V, 50Hz 2. 光源灯管: 采用三基色T5 荧光灯日光T5灯管或植物生长T5灯管水族灯管;/ Light Sources: Tri-phosphor T5 fluorescent lamp tubes, T5 Bulbs: F6T5, F8T5, F13T5, F14T5, F21T5, F28T5, F35T5; 3. 功率: 6W, 8W, 13W, 14W, 21W, 28W, 35W ; / Power/ wattages/ Watts: 6W, 8W, 13W, 14W, 21W, 28W, 35W 4. 光色/色温: 白光6400K/Day Light;蓝光4100K/Cool White Light; 黄光3000K/Warm White Light; Color Temperatures / Light Colors: 6400K/Day Light;4100K/Cool White Light; 3000K/Warm White Light; 5. 光管寿命: 10000小时; / Bulb Life: Average: 10000 Hours; 6. 材料:铝合金(厚度0.7MM) 外白色烤漆(粉末喷涂)支架杆,带开关(ON/OFF Switch)内置式一体化高效电子镇流器;带PC透明灯罩;附送小配件包; Materials: Finishes White Painted Aluminium Alloy Fixture housing, with build-in electronic ballast, PC material diffuser (cover ), and small bag of screws etc. mounting fixtures. 8 inch length Male and Female link cable, and a 6 feet long plug cable. 7. 包装:单支纸盒加泡沫包装,20支一个纸箱,提供中性包装; / Packing, packages: foam and white gift box for each product, 20 pieces in a carton. 8. 产品标准: UL, CUL, GS, CE, RoHS认证. Certificates / Approvals / List: UL Listed, CUL Listed, GS Listed, CE Listed, RoHS approved. 9. 需要更详细资料,请联系我们。/ If you have more questions and advises, or you need more about product detail, please feel free to contact us.