A1semi Electronics Ltd.(A1semi)
中文名称:A1semi Electronics Ltd.
公司简介:A1semi Electronics Ltd. ,2002年8月成立于美国德拉华洲,专注于电源(Power)和接口(I/O)领域的半导体集成电路设计,产品主要用于电脑及电脑外围设备、便携式产品、手机通信、车载设备等领域。2004年8月在中国成立设计中心。公司的首要目标是开发高质量的模拟半导体集成电路,提供给客户高性价比的创新产品及方案。公司在美国、中国大陆、台湾设有设计中心及合作伙伴,有当地的工程师提供优秀的技术支持。 公司专注于The company focus:高速增长的大中国市场,因为中国已经成为全球最大的电脑、消费类电子和通讯设备的制造中心,理所当然电源管理及接口芯片也成为一个高速成长的市场。. 公司使命Corporate Mission: 高可靠、高质量,低成本的产品和方案服务我们的客户 在美国、中国、台湾、韩国建立销售服务中心。 建立全球分销渠道。 目标市场Target Markets: 电脑及电脑外围设备的电源管理和接口芯片 消费类电子产品的电源管理和接口芯片 通讯产品的电源管理和接口芯片 竞争优势Competitive Advantages: 高质量,高性能 高性价比 高水平的模拟与数模混合芯片的专业设计经验
公司产品A1semi Electronics Ltd. is a semiconductor design company founded in August 2002 to supply Integrated Circuits(ICs),Discretes and assembly products used in communication, computer and computer-peripheral, video, power, consumers and other commercial application.To invent of high-quality, analog products always is our first mission, dedicated to providing our customers with cost effective innovative solutions.The company design centers which are Located in USA, Japan, China and Taiwan. Applications support is handled regionally by field applications engineers(FAE) The company focus:the fastest growing Chinese market as the country becoming the largest computer, consumer electronics and communication equipment manufacture center in the world, and the high growth of power management and other high performance Ics markets. Corporate Mission: High reliable quality of low-cost products to serve worldwide markets. Successful entry into international marketplaces. Sales offices in U.S.,China, and Taiwan. Worldwide product distribution channels. Target Markets Computer and computer peripherals. Consumer electronics. Communication equipment. Competitive Advantages High quality products satisfying international technical standards. Excellent cost / performance values. Experienced analog and mixed signal IC design expertise.
· Advanced Analog Technology, Inc.(AAT)
· 中文名称:台灣類比科技股份公司
· 公司网址/
· 公司简介:台灣類比科技股份公司創立於1999年3月25日。 擁有由具備10年以上IC相關產業經驗的IC設計師,研究員,及工程師所組成的堅強團隊。創立者不但擁有加州大學的電機博士學位,還在美國及台灣有22年以上的IC設計產業管理者及顧問的工作經驗。身為台灣半導體產業先驅者的一員, 我們的專長是電源管理IC設計及研發. 產品內容包括了DC-DC PWM IC, DC-AC PWM IC, Battery Protector & Management IC, LDO, Switching Power Supervisor IC, and Buffer…等等。我們不只提供高品質的產品,完整的顧客服務及使用諮詢,還提供量身訂做的IC版來搭配顧客訂購的IC, 進而節省顧客可貴的工程師資源及時間。台灣類比科技股份公司的銷售人員及代理商擁有10年以上的IC產業市場銷售經驗並成功地提供支持讓台灣類比技術人員持續推陳出新,介紹新的產品上市。 在全體員工的緊密合作之下, 台灣類比科技股份公司銷售遍佈全球。 除了不負使命完成訂單, 我們的目標是幫助您完成您的理想。
· 公司产品Established in March 25th,1999, AAT-----Advanced Analog Technology Incorporated is consisted of a group of integrated circuit designers, researchers and engineers with more than 10 years experiences related to the IC design industry. The founder of the company not only has a doctorial degree in Electrical Engineering but also has more than 22 years of working experience in the IC design industry. We specialize in Power Management IC design technology and we are one of the top-leading IC design companies in Taiwan. We categorize our products into DC-DC PWM IC, DC-AC PWM IC, Battery Protector & Management IC, LDO, Switching Power Supervisor IC, and Buffer…etc. On top of the basic customer services and field application technical support, we also offer custom-made circuit boards, which perfectly match our ICs, saving our customers valuable engineering resources and time. While our technical team continues to present our customers innovative products, AAT insisted on keeping our great traditions of offering the customers fast, effective services and problem solving. AATs technical team and business are supported by a strong network of sale representatives and distributors with more than 10 years of analog marketing experiences. With all team members working closely with each other, AAT not only fulfills your IC needs, we fulfill your vision.
我公司专业代理经销FAIRCHILD(仙童), MICROCHIP,飞虹,UTC, 威士顿 EVERLIGHT, ON, IR,TI, MPS 亿光 力特 等品牌的元器件 IC,热忱为广大生产厂商提供服务,欢迎前来洽谈订购!
陈小姐:15889542734 TEL:0755-28197007 QQ:2355819022/1654001497
赖小姐:13418555974 TEL:0755-83722630 QQ:2355819025
邓小姐:15019232926 TEL:0755-81758040 QQ:2355819021