B、 精鼎高精密螺丝模具厂生产的机丝牙板(机械牙板)也是采用全新数控高精密磨床研磨而成。其所搓螺丝精密度,光泽度已是国内同行业中数一数二的了,而且在小规格螺丝牙板(M1.0M1.2M1.4M1.7M2.0M2.3M2.5M2.6)生产技术方面也取得了很大突破,不久将推出市场。为了满足高端客户对品质的更高要求,精鼎模具厂协同意大利螺丝模具第一品牌公司长期合作,长年备有大量常规机械牙板。
Jing Ding High Precision Screw Mold Factory is the only one screw mold factory in China which brought in advanced CNC productive technology from Italy. Compared to Taiwan’s productive technology, our strengths includes: 1. More higher precision; 2. Our thread rolling dies can maintain the same no matter how long it will be, which ensures the stability of the quality; 3. The pointed thread rolling dies are better. They avoid the traditional Taiwan’s technical quality which mainly depends on the experience of the technicians and attitude. Now we just need to input the parameters and everything is under our control.
We also adopt the brand-new CNC high precision grinder to make our mechanical thread rolling dies. The precision and gloss of the screws that the grinder grinds are one of the best in the domestic industry. Moreover, we have made a great breakthrough in the thread rolling dies for screws of small specifications (M1 . 0M1 . 2M1 . 4M1 . 7M2 . 0M2 . 3M2 . 5M2 . 6) in terms of production technology, which will be launched soon. In order to meet the high-end clients’ higher requirements for quality, our factory has a long-term cooperation with the company – the first brand of Italian screw mold. We store mechanical thread rolling dies all the year round.
Our factory cannot be too cautious in terms of choosing the material for thread rolling dies. We request that the material for thread rolling dies must contain over 1.5% M, over 2.2% M0 and over 1.5% V. Although the cost of the material is way too high compared to other factories in the same industry, we think that this is our pursuit.
Our pursuit is to provide thread rolling dies and drift with the best quality to screw factories. The direction of our efforts is to save more cost for our clients.
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各式尖咀牙板,各式机丝牙板,意大利世界第一品牌机械牙板,各款不锈钢高强度牙板,高精密系列冲头产品。 thread rolling dies, mechanical thread rolling dies, stainless steel high strength thread rolling dies, high precision series | 各式尖咀牙板,各式机丝牙板,意大利世界第一品牌机械牙板,各款不锈钢高强度牙板,高精密系列冲头产品。 thread rolling dies, mechanical thread rolling dies, stainless steel high strength thread rolling dies, high precision series |