◆ 整机电气控制系统采用PLC系统,电脑界面操作,可实现随机信号分析,故障诊断及参数设定,保证机器的工作效果。
◆ 4-15型机“远程通信”控制系统,它为异地监控、故障查询、系统升级等提供了极大的方便。
◆ 强制快速平稳布料:布料箱搅拌叉拨料360度旋转运动,做到布料均匀、快速、平稳。避免湿料布料不均现象,产品密实度好,质量高。免除料箱撞击,减少噪音,延长机器使用寿命。
◆ 独特高效的振动方式:采用最新技术,调整电机传动速度来满足和保证主机在布料和振压成型所要求的不同振动频率和振幅,从而提高了制品的质量,缩短了成型周期。
◆ 合理的振动分布:通过脱模油缸将模箱锁定在刚度较强的振动台板上,达到台模同步合振,使振幅分布均匀,达到同模制品强度离差较小。
◆ 机体结构新颖、坚固:机体采用高强型钢,利用先进的焊接技术焊接制造,制造质量优良,设备耐用、坚固、稳定性好、工作可靠。
◆ 一机多能:能适应各种规格的混凝土砌块、多孔砖、路沿砖、护坡砖、河道砖、路面砖、广场砖等各种砌块的生产需求。
◆ 该机结构紧凑,性能稳定,操作维修方便,占地面积小,投资少,效益高,适合大、中、小型建材企业投资。
Function & Assemble Parts:
◆ The electrical control system of whole machine is equipped with PLC system,operated in graphical interfaces,which with the functions of random signal analysis,failure diagnosis and the parameters setting,guarantee the best running of machine.
◆ TF-Q10-15 Type Block Making Machine equipped with munication control system to make great convenience in monitoring in other place,fault diagnosis and system upgrade.
◆ Compulsive fast & steady material feeding unit:The revolving degree between material feeding unit and mixer is 360 to materialize evenly material feeding,well protecting the humid material against unevtn feeding with good density and high quality.
◆ Unique and effevtive mode of vibration:adjust the driving speed of motor by the most update technique to meet and guarantee the demand required by the main machine for the different vibration frequency, therefore,to improve the qualify of finished products while shorten the molding cycle.
◆ Reasonable vibration distribution:through model-releasing oil cylinder,the mold box is locked into the vibration table with high rigidity to reach the synchronous vibration,make vibration even distributing and to reduce the gap among the finished products from same model.
◆ Novelty,firmly in structure:the machine parts are made with ultrahigh steel with advanced welding technique to guarantee superior in the quality,durable and firm in usage and stable in working.
◆ Multifunction in one machine:the machine can produce various kinds of concrete brick,ssuch as porous blocks,pavement blocks,river way bricks, slope protection bricks,road blocks,square bricks and so on, to completely comply with the need of the market.
◆ The machine is compact in structure,stable in peformance,convenient to operate and maintain.The investment of this project upies small land,with little investment but benefit is high,suitable for large,medium or small building materials enterprise to invest.
产品名称 | 产品规格 | 每板块数 | 块 /8 小时(转 / 分) |
空心砌块 | 390×190×190 4块/模 | 4 | 7600 |
多孔砖 | 240×115×90 14块/模 | 9 | 17000 |
标 砖 | 240×115×53 28块/模 | 24 | 46000 |
(质量重于泰山 信誉源于黄河)
电 话:86-0371-67553000