1. 单片成型,透视性—一般防火玻璃为双片以上成型,透视差。
2. 耐高温,不炸裂——在1000C高温下可坚持90—120分钟不炸裂。
3. 增加外幕墙的防火功能—耐火性能良好,强度提高,可以应用于现代幕墙建筑中。
4. 限制火灾的范围—避免火势的蔓延,抵御火焰及烟雾的侵入。
5. 强度上更胜一筹—同样的厚度下,是浮法玻璃的6-12倍,是钢化玻璃2-3倍以上。
6. 紫外线照射下不发生变化—化学灌浆或夹层防火玻璃很快变成乳白色或产生气泡。
7. 重量较轻—在保证强度的条件下,与钢化玻璃相比,可以减少玻璃的重量。
8. 适应建筑设计的要求—在同样的风压下,能采用较薄的厚度或较大的面积设计。
9. 易于安装—安装方法简单,同钢化玻璃接近。
Ten fire-resistant glass chip features:
1. Monolithic shape, perspective of the good - generally more fire-resistant glass for the two-piece molding, perspective difference.
2. Heat, not burst - 1000C high temperature may be maintained at 90-120 minutes did not burst.
3. To increase the fire safety features outside the walls - a good fire resistance, strength, can be applied to modern curtain wall buildings.
4. Limit the scope of the fire - to avoid the spread of fire, to resist intrusion of flame and smoke.
5. Intensity superior - the same thickness is 6-12 times that of float glass, tempered glass is 2-3 times more.
6. UV irradiation does not change - chemical grouting or laminated glass, fire or air bubbles will soon e milky white.
7. Lighter - in ensuring the strength of the condition, compared with the tempered glass can reduce the weight of the glass.
8. Meet the requirements of architectural design - under the same pressure, the thickness can be thinner or larger by the area of design.
9. Easy to install - installation method is simple, with the glass close.
10 Cost savings - new technologies, new technology, quality, price much lower than imported products