供应(G980花式纱钩编)及花式纱线G980型花式纱钩机JQG980 M()DEL CROCHET MACHINE机器用途: G980型花式纱高速钩编机是一种用于生产花式纱线的设备,该设备是将经纱和纬纱先编织成经编衬纬组织的布, 再通过切断布的纬纱使之形成一条条纱线。或者用经纱和纬纱直接编织成经编衬纬组织的带状纱线。G-980花式纱钩编机可适用于各种化纤丝及棉,毛,麻,丝等原料。这些原料可以先染色再制成花式纱,也可以制成花式纱后染色。钩编花式纱的特征是芯线连续成圈,纬纱作衬垫,纱线呈扁平状。USAGE: G-980 Model is a High Speed fancy Yarn Crocket Machine.The machine first knits cloth with warp and weftyarn,then cuts the warp yarn to form the final yarn.Otherwise it knits warp and weft yarn the straightly kit belt yarn.G-980 machine is suitabfe to knit various kind of yarns,both natural fibers(wool,silk,cotton,linen,etc.)and syntheticfibers(poiyester, acrylic etc.)This entire material can de dyed before or after knitting,in accordance with therequirements. The characteristic of the patter yarn is the core yarn knitted into rings and the weft one used as itsmattress.The finished yarn is of flat shape. 结构特点: G980型花式纱高速钩编机通过设有改变衬纬方式的机械式控制机构,能生产出各种不同效果和不同风格的花式 纱,该机通过变频器实现速度控制,使机器能实现慢速启动,无级变速,快速制动及低速点动以满足调试的需要。本机 分为主机部分,卷绕架部分,纱架部分三个部分。 其外形尺寸如下:(mm) 1、主机(长*宽*高):1750*1950*1750 2、卷绕架(长*宽*高):
2900*2800*24003、纱架(长*宽*高):4200*1880*2750CHARACTERISTICS: G-980 High Speed fancy Yarn Crochet Machine controls the device by changin9 inlay methods to produce all kind of various pattern yarns. The machine speed is controlled by a frequency converter, starting at slow speed with stepless changes,fast breaking to low speed according to meet the test production demand.The machine is pided into three main secti: 1.Main machine (LxWxHmm ;1750x1950x1750) 2Winding section (LxWxHmm ;2900x2800x2400) 3.Yarn frame (LxWxHmm; 4200x1880x2750) 机器特点: 机器结构设计合理,采用变频控制。无级调速,速度高、噪音低、振幅小、操作方便、花板链条。1 5针、1 8针、 20针通用,并设有自动润滑装置,适纺蜈蚣纱、带子纱、羽毛纱、乒乓纱等花式纱。 Features: The machine structure is compact and reasonable in design, adopts inverter control system and steplesschanging speed, so it features high speed, low noise, less vibration and easy operation. Jacquard card equippedwith automatic oiling system can be used for 15needles, 18needles, 20needles. The machine is suitable forprocessing centipede yarn, lace yarn, fibrous yarn and ping-pang(ball) yarn and other fancy yarns. 主要技术参数:MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERS: 1、操作宽度:762mm(303英寸) 1.Operational Width: 762mm(30 inch) 2、机号每英寸针数15,18,20 2.Gauge needles per inch: 15, 18, 20(according to customer need) 3.纬纱针板:2根 3.Weft needle plates: 2sets 4、纬密范围:5-20S/cm 4.Stitch density: 5-20S/cm 5、花板链条12—50节 5.Link chainl12-50 secti 6、主轴转速:最高1500r /mm 6.Main shaft speed: Max. 1500r/min 7、框纱周长:170cm 7.The girth of rackframe: 170cm 8、全机功率:1. 56KW 8.Whole machine power: 1.56kw 9、纱筒位数:528个 9.No.of yarn bobbin: 528 pieces 10、纱筒位距:200mm 10.Gauqo of yarn spindle: 200mm 设备订购 徐先生 18913612352