注意 制袋器:一个制袋器对应一种袋子宽度,如需做不同宽度的袋子,则更换不同尺寸的制袋器。
width of the bag:it has only one size for bag former。If you have new width, need to change new bag former instead of old one. Show the photo to you as follow 量杯:如果需要用5ml的量杯,则可以单套量杯计量范围可以是5-10ml,如果同时需要包装小于5ml或者大于10ml,则再做其他量杯替换即可。 Volume cup:if the customer want 5ml,the volume cup can be 5ml-10ml,double of the volume,(If the customer’s volume is 5ml-10ml, less than 5ml or more than 10ml, they must change new set of volume cup(10-20ml) 工作时间:建议工作16小时/天,这样使用寿命会长一些,但24小时/天也没有问题。 Work time: it is suggested that work 16hours /day for keeping longer lifespan ,but 24 hours /days also no problem for the machine . 打码机:如果一天12小时工作,一卷墨轮可使用三天,在日常生产中,如果用完了替换一卷新的即可。 Printer :one roll of color film can be used for three days if work 24 hours one day, ,but depend on the daily production, if it finish 封口模:如果需要包三边封和四边封2种形式,则购买2个模具交换使用即可。. Sealing bar :one machine is with one kind of sealing bar(one pair).. |