我公司专业代理经销FAIRCHILD(仙童), MICROCHIP,飞虹,UTC, 威士顿 EVERLIGHT, ON, IR,TI, MPS 亿光 力特 等品牌的元器件 IC,热忱为广大生产厂商提供服务,欢迎前来洽谈订购!
陈小姐: TEL:0755-28197007 QQ:2355819022/1654001497
赖小姐: TEL:0755-83722630 QQ:2355819025
邓小姐: TEL:0755-81758040 QQ:2355819021
APLUS was founded on July 1,1992. Our mission is to design, develop, market and sell various CONSUMER VOICE IC solutions to the worldwide customers. We provide best voice ic solution to industry segments, such as (i) Elevator industry, (ii) toy manufacturer, (iii) Card and album industry, (iv) Consumer Electronics and multimedia. We target high growth markets with our low cost, high quality voice ic and seek for building long-term relationships with our customers. APLUS is a consumer voice ic design house which utilizes foundry and package facilities in Taiwan. Our major product lines are OTP, MASK, RECORDING and COMPRESS voice ic. We also offer software design for the 4-bit/8-bit Micro Controller applications. APLUS was headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, with worldwide branch offices and agents in China, Japan, India, Korea. We are getting to expand market in USA, Europe and other countries. With our efforts to develop voice ic, we have confidence that APLUS will establish global consumer IC group in the near future
Started with over US$50 Millions of capital investment by recruiting various MEMS expertise engineers with pioneering research and development in MEMS technology. apm is pursuing the hottest fabrication technology and serving the wireless, sensors, telecommunication, Inkjet and BIO-MEMS sectors. We fabricate, package and test your products of MEMS based 3D microstructure and we provide compatible CMOS Logic Integration solutions for your needs. We have built a dynamic team of professionals working around the clock with state-of-the-art MEMS Foundry fab to address all your microfabrication needs worldwide. apm aims to become the leading MEMS Foundry supplier by providing a variety of ground breaking technologies and manufacturing know-hows and services you require with one-stop-shop capability. apms expertise in Si-bulk Micromachining, Membrane Stress Control, Thick Structural Layer & Deep Trench, Sacrifical Layer Etching, Through Wafer Interconnect, Electrochemical Etching and Wafer Level CSP, Logic IC Integration, will make us a WIN-WIN solution for your process development and volume production best choice partner.
建荣集成电路科技有限公司成立于2003年,由美国硅谷回国的优秀企业家和工程师组成,是一家设计与销售自主知识产权的高性能、高可靠性、 低价位的微控制器公司,总公司AppoTech USA In.位于美国硅谷。在中国香港、珠海、深圳均设有全资公司。 建荣集成电路设计的技术领域包括:各种规模集成电路设计与生产,各种算法的研究与应用。由于其技术经营创始团队均来自美国及香港,公司拥有世界前沿的集成电路设计技术以及一流的高科技管理模式。
鈺碩科技股份有限公司( Attansic Technology, corp.),成立於西元2000年1月,目前資本額達3億新台幣,由一群擁有數十年混合訊號 IC 設計經驗的科技人才所組成,充分掌握邏輯、類比、軟體設計等技術,更藉由最佳化設計以及系統技術支援,縮短客戶研發時程,滿足客戶Time to market需求。 公司於創立初期所開發出的獨特超頻超壓IC至今仍為全球領導品牌,所推出的產品亦銷售遍及全球每個角落。經過數年不斷的招攬人才與技術開發,鈺碩科技已由過去產品線單純的晶片廠商,升級為全方位的網際網路及電源管理元件供應商,其中通訊IC未來將朝向提供交換器控制晶片及無線網路應用產品的完整方案,可望建構網際網路裝置IC所需的完整實力; 電源管理IC未來將朝向開發全方位應用於所有 3C 領域電子產品之方案。 此外,為了提昇對客戶之服務品質,已於 2004 年導入 ERP 系統,以期資源整合利用,有效提昇整體營運績效,並於今年年初獲得 UL頒發ISO 9001: 2000 品質管理系統驗證核可証書。 鈺碩科技秉持「正派經營」及「積極進取」的核心理念,以人性化管理及利潤共享,來吸引最優秀人才加入鈺碩的團隊。展望未來,鈺碩科技將持續以踏實腳步穩健經營,也期望能對國內半導體產業提供更好的解決方案,做出更大的貢獻。
Auctor Corporation(Auctor)
Auctor 公司总部设在美国加州Santa Clara,在台湾有一个子公司。公司的前身是ACC微电子公司--著名的低功耗逻辑(LPL)芯片制造商。作为计算机、通讯和消费应用视窗系统连接产品制造商,公司主要致力于嵌入和便携式产品芯片设计,产品包括486、586、奔腾级系统控制芯片和混合信号芯片等。