地址:成都高新西区创业园186号 | 电话:15928853231 | QQ: 2541564050 | 邮箱:2541564050@qq.com | 网址: |
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|  | 产品编号: | CJ-S10 | 产品名称: | 袋式绿白棉初效空气过滤器 | 规 格: | 500、600mm | 产品备注: | 过滤5-10um颗粒35-45 | 产品类别: | 初效空气过滤器 | |
| 产 品 说 明 | 绿白棉初效袋式空气过滤器 Air filter bag filter early effect
特点Features ●可重复使用多次 ●阻力小、风量大 ●广泛运用于空调系统的中级过滤 ●Adopts reusable times ●Responding to small resistance, air ●Widely used in air conditioning system of intermediate filtration 构成材料及运行条件 Materials and operating conditions ●框材:铝合金或镀锌板外框 ●External frane:Aluminum alloy steel or frame ●滤料材质:新型复合无纺布 ●Filter material: new composite nonwoven fabric ●滤料颜色:白色 ●Liao color: white ●密封条:醋酸乙酯 ●Gasket:EVA ●使用最高温度、湿度:80℃、80% ●Use the highest temperature, humidity:80℃、80% 型号尺寸及其他参数 Standard specification 型号 model | 外形尺寸 Outside Dimensions (mm) | 额定风量 Rated air flow (m3/h) | 初阻力 Initial resistance(Pa) | 效率(级别) Efficiency (class) | 滤料颜色 Liao color | 袋数 pockets | CJ-S10-c1 | 495×295×500mm 20″×12″×20″ | 1500m3/h | 25~35Pa | 25-35% G3 35-45% G4 | 绿白棉 | 5 | CJ-S10-c2 | 495×495×500mm 20″×20″×20″ | 2500m3/h | 5 | CJ-S10-c3 | 595×295×500mm 24″×12″×20″ | 2000m3/h | 6 | CJ-S10-c4 | 595×495×500mm 24″×20″×20″ | 3200m3/h | 6 | CJ-S10-c5 | 595×595×500mm 24″×24″×20″ | 3800m3/h | 8 | CJ-S10-c6 | 495×295×600mm 20″×12″×24″ | 1800m3/h | 5 | CJ-S10-c7 | 495×495×600mm 20″×20″×24″ | 3200m3/h | 5 | CJ-S10-c8 | 595×295×600mm 24″×12″×24″ | 2500m3/h | 6 | CJ-S10-c9 | 595×495×600mm 24″×20″×24″ | 4000m3/h | 6 | CJ-S10-c10 | 595×595×600mm 24″×24″×24″ | 4500m3/h | 8 |