MT2834BA;MT2834BLI;MT2834ZDXB;MT5634ZDXB;MT5634ZBA-V90,MT5634ZBA-V.92,MT5634ZBA-USB-V92;MT5600ZBA,MT5600ZDX,MT5656ZDX,CC1600,MT5634-GLOBAL,mt1432ba mt1432bli mt2834zdx mt2834zdxb mt5600zdx
mt5634zba-usb-v90 multi mt5634zba-usb-v92 mt5634zba-rs232-v90 mt5634zba-rs232-v92
mt2834ba mt2834bli mt5600ba mt5600bl mt2834br
mt2834blr mtzdx机柜 mtcc1600 multitech mt5634msv
Basic Desktop Modems
The affordable MultiModem® ZDX desktop modem delivers high-speed data transfers and faxing capabilities making it ideal for the mainstream PC market.
Family Features
- Class 1 (except legacy models) and Class 2 faxing at 14.4K
- Industry-standard error correction and data compression
- U.S. Caller ID reporting (except Legacy Models)
- Phone number storage
- Small footprint and stackable design
- Multi-language data/fax software for Windows
- Ten-year warranty
V.90 Model MultiModemZDX Features
- V.90/56K
- Storage for four numbers
| Product | Description | | US MSRP | Region |
| MT5600ZDX | V.90 Data/Fax Modem | | $129 | US/Can/ROW |
| MT5600ZDXe | V.90 Data/Fax Modem | | Call | Europe |
| MT5600ZDXV | V.90 Voice/Data/Fax Modem | | $139 | US/Can/ROW |
| MT5600ZDXVe | V.90 Voice/Data/Fax Modem | | Call | Europe |
Legacy Model MultiModemZDX Features
- Ideal settings for UNIX®, medical, and retail point-of-sale (POS) applications
- V.34/33.6K data transfers and Class 2 faxing only
- Remote configuration, 11-bit support, DTMF tone detection
| Product | Description | | US MSRP | Region |
| MT2834ZDXb | V.34 Data/Fax Modem | | $129 | US/Can |
| MT2834ZDXIe-33 | V.34 Data/Fax Modem | | Call | Europe |
| MT2834ZDXI-33 | V.34 Data/Fax Modem | | Call | ROW |
33.6K Model MultiModemZDX Features
- V.34/33.6K
- Stores three phone numbers
| Product | Description | | US MSRP | Region |
| MT3334ZDX | V.34 Data/Fax Modem | | $119 | US/Can |