点读笔是采用国际先进语音合成与还原技术、OID2隐形码技术、DSP数字信息处理技术、FLASH数字闪存技术、COMS图像处理技术、水印编码技术、高解析光学识别模块技术、MP3音频处理技术、128位动态加密技术,动态识别技术,创造出的新一代高科技产品。 What is reading pen? The Reading Pen is an innovational high-tech product which uses the technologies of voice composed and restored, OID2 Printing, DSP Digital Information Processing ,FLASH Memory, CMOS Picture Processing, Water-printing Code, Optical Distinguishing, MP3 and 128 Digits Dynamic Coding. 点读笔具有点什么读什么、点到哪里读哪里,多处循环点击播放的鲜明特点。点读笔操作简单,即点即读,现在已广泛应用于幼儿早教,大、中、小学外语课本点读学习,古兰经点读、朗诵,点触识别,防伪认证,视图讲解等领域。 Read out what and where you point are the distinct characteristics of our reading pens. With simple, point and read operation, our reading pens are now widely used in the areas of early learning, teaching aids, tapping recognition, scene explanation and so on.
点读笔的商机 据国内权威专家预测,未来三到五年所有幼儿教育书籍、大中小学英语课本、成年外语书籍等均往点读有声读物方向发展,点读笔将成为语言学习的必备工具,以点读笔和有声图书为主的点读市场在未来的十年具有巨大的市场商机。 Market Opportunities of Reading Pens
The experts said that over the next three to five years, all of the cheeper educational books, primary school, middle school and high school English textbooks, adult’s foreign language books will develop in audio books. Reading pens will become the necessary tools in language learning. In the coming ten years, there will be a huge market for reading pens and audio books.
我们可以给客户提供以下服务 1) 根据客户需求开发、设计模具 2) 根据客户需求开发、设计、供应PCBA板 3) 提供图书的设计4) 提供图书的印刷 5) 为客户提圈图 6) 提供图书的录音 7) 提供图书脚本的编辑 8) 提供点读笔生产服务 The services we offered include: product design, mold development as required PCB board design and development as requiredoffering the design of booksoffering the printing of booksadding stealth codes for customersoffering recording of booksoffering editing scripts of booksoffering production of reading pens 点读笔正成为一个新兴产业,它正改变传统教学模式,把幼儿教学带进一个新的时代。现今社会竞争愈来愈激烈,家长都希望自己的孩子在未来的竞争中比别的孩子更具一筹,所以对点读笔这种将文字,图像,声音,立体的结合起来,小朋友将很感兴趣,这对孩子来说是革命性的改变,由以前的被学习,到现在的爱学习,可想而知孩子成绩自然飞速提高。所以选择金文通点读笔,就选择了成功。 公司简介:
现有的点读笔款式: Existing Reading Pen Models: