Guangzhou Silver Sable Metalware LTD is a professional enterprise for all kinds of stainless-steel tablewares by combining design, manufacturing and trading altogether. Our company has accumulated experience on research and production for many years. We possess a mould processing center with advancing techniques introduced from Europe and America and employ high-quality elite workers to make satisfying products.
All our products are made of fine imported stainless steel and obtain customers' praises for the high quality, elegant shape, reasonable price and thoughtful after-sale services. In the past few years, we devoted our efforts on quality refining trying to be the best in domestic market and meet international standards. Our products has been sold on every major city in china and even reached countries of Europe, USA, Middle East and Southeast Asia with good credits.
For future development, we will always stay on "high quality”, maintain “good reputation” and be creative. We honestly welcome all you customers to join us for product design, metal processing or business discussing.
We believe we will make what you need.
联系电话/传真020-22882941 22882942 13610547971
QQ:2370268235 EMAIL:13725914445@163.COM www.gdyindiao.com
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