本公司集研发、设计、生产制造、销售服务于一体,主要专业生产仿真椰子树,仿真海藻树,仿真棕榈树,保鲜棕榈树,仿真古榕树,基站美化天线杆,仿真松树,老人葵,大王椰,仿真蝴蝶兰,仿真小盆景,各种LED发光树,夜光树,承接大型酒店,商场,写字楼别墅,游乐场所,以及山水园艺设计和大型仿真绿化工程。15217603907 36531101
Our company concentrate development, design, manufacturing, marketing services together, specialized in producting artificial coconut tree, Artificial Canary Date Palm,Washingtonia palm and bayan trees,artificial pine, Washingtonia Filifera
, king of coconut,Phalaenopsis amabilis, all kinds of bonsais,LED trees, night tree. we provide all kinds of plants for hotel,shoppping mall, office building,public pleasure ground, park,and plant engineering and so on.
关健词:Simulation plants, palms, simulation, simulation of plastic bonsai
Interior decoration, mainly used in hotels, stores, hotels, office buildings, leisure center, dining-room simulation panorama afforest, etc