河南省巩义市三元滤材有限公司于一九九五年建厂,主要生产聚合氯化铝,活性炭,石英砂滤料,无烟煤滤料,磁铁矿,果壳多面空心球等系列净化材料。是在中国市政(给排水)中南,上海,西北设计院,及能源部华北,西北,西南电力设计院及重庆钢铁设计院等高级工程师协助下,引进消化吸收了国内国外先进技术,以独特全自动化生产工艺精制而成。各项技术指标均已达到部颁标准(K80小于等于1.6)(K60小于等于1.35),曾被电力部西南设计院,西北,东北及河南省电力院,及重庆钢铁设计院认可,并在一些电厂、工程、石化、钢铁,给排水产业中广泛使用,深得用户好评。 我公司拥有职工120人,其中高级技术人员9名,拥有成套的生产工艺和完善的化验检测设备。活性炭以优质的果壳和椰子壳为原料,经高温碳化和过热蒸汽活化处理后,精选分筛而成。无烟煤滤料以优质无烟煤为原料,经精选,破碎,多次分筛而成。石英砂滤料以优质石英为原料,经精选,水洗和多次筛分而成。产品按国家电力部DL/T582-95和建设部BJ24.2-88,无烟煤GJ-24.1-88石英砂和砾石垫层滤料材料测试,做到不合格原料不进厂,不合格的产品不出厂,始终以质量第一,信誉第一,用户第一为宗旨,连续几年来我公司多次被工商局评为“重合同,守信誉”企业,产品被市乡镇企业管理局评为合格产品,曾获国家技术监督局颁发合格达标企业法人代码证书。
电 话:86 0371 64358739/85617298/85617168
传 真:86 0371 85617658
地 址:中国 河南 巩义市 巩义市桐本路
邮 编:451200
New comet fiber filter material is on the basis of the original filter material invented, it has both fiber filter to filter the advantages of high precision and large amount of part, and particle filter backwash XiJingDu high water consumption and the advantages of less, especially in the filter bed inside can be rotation, has greatly increased the backwash precision, formed by the filter material of the filter bed void distribution close to ideal filter structure. In the filter bed uniform distribution on the transverse (level) of air voids, ensure that the filter when water channel size consistency, the direct effect is uniform part quantity, flow to avoid short circuit phenomenon. Cubes in the filter bed (vertical) gap rate distribution from top to bottom gradually reduce, gap rate along the longitudinal profiles of filter bed is big under small the gradient distribution of this structure is conducive to the effective separation of solid suspended solids in water, the filter bed upper part off the attached particles easily in the lower the filter bed inside the narrow channel was captured and intercept. So the new textile fiber filter can realize high speed and high precision of the filter.
指标 | 其它纤维滤料 | 新型纤维滤料 |
滤速/m/h | 20 | 20 |
进水浊度/度 | 62 | 62 |
出水浊度/度 | ≤2.5 | ≤1 |
初滤阶段/ min | ≤6.5 | ≤3 |
截污量/kg/m3(滤料) | 15.4 | 45.9 |
去除率/% | 94.5 | 99.7 |
过滤周期/h | 10 | 19 |
产水量/m3/m2(滤料) | 230 | 350 |
反冲洗耗水率/% | 3-4 | 1-2 |
剩余积泥率/% | 1-3 | 0.3-1.2 |