欢迎你进入我公司网站查看你需要的产品型号、在地址栏输入我公司的网址:http://www.shgcjx.com点击进入,就能查看到你需要的产品型号,我公司规模大,型号全,总有一款适合你的选择。本公司网址是【上海工程机械shgcjx】全拼已注册备案,专业经营各种二手工程机械设备。联系人:管总(经理);电 话:021-67690705;手 机:15921262228;在线QQ:469020097,欢迎联系。
电 话:021-67690705
手 机:15921262228
Q Q:469020097
邮 件:shff88888@163.com
网 址:http://www.shgcjx.com
地 址:上海市松江区九亭镇久富开发区铁牛路118号。近九亭西大街-盛龙路路口南1公里即到。开车路线->(1)虹桥机场枢 嘉闵高架-漕宝路出口向西距离公司5公里至九亭西大街-盛龙路路口南1公里即到;(2)G15沈海高速-沪松公路出口至九亭西大街-盛龙路路口南1公里即到。乘车路线->92B线,松龙线,沪松线,地铁9号线(九亭站)下。电话联系15921262228
TADANO second-hand car hoists.
TADANO transfer of second-hand car hoists, the origin of Japan TADANO companies.
Tonnage as follows: 25 tons of TADANO car gondolas, 30 tons of TADANO car gondolas, 40 TADANO car gondolas, 50 tons of TADANO car gondolas, 55 tons TADANO car gondolas, 25 tons of TADANO vehicle hoists, and so on. Ensure the quality, on-site test hanging, such as crane sold to foreign countries need to export, shipping companies and port terminal to board the cable car collaboration. All are welcome to contact to negotiate, we certainly will let you satisfied with the service.
The process of service delivery
Telephone advice, specific date for appointment to the company, the Shanghai company in the car for free Shuttle
The scene to see goods, introduced Model and Performance
Examination of the scene, satisfied with the two sides agreed price
Set a good price, signed a contract for the sale
The end of negotiations, arrangements for delivery
I am not familiar with foreign languages, please e-mail directly to me, I will call upon the translation translated contact, e-mail: huakui88@126.com