现代汽车技术的快速发展以及汽车用户的迅猛增长,对汽车维修服务提出了更高严格的要求,传统的零部件清洗手段已经不能满足现代发动机,变速箱等大修零部件重新装配的工艺要求,DYK系列超声波缸体零部件清洗机具有优异的清洗能力,特别是清洗积碳可达到逼真的翻新效果,无论是外部还是内部可以无孔不入,无微不至,加强型三面清洗,功率强劲,可彻底清洗外表及油道,该设备广泛应用于汽修厂,汽车零配件生产厂家等. 产品采用自来水加清洗剂清洗,可循环长期使用,清洗成本极低(是汽油刷洗的1/10)。大大提高清洗效率,是传统浸泡清洗、加热喷淋等清洗方式的5-10倍。
The rapid development of modern automobile technology and car user growth, the vehicle maintenance service forward higher strict request, the traditional parts clean means cannot have satisfied modern engine, gearbox etc overhaul parts reassembled process requirement, ultrasonic washer LCQ series cylinder parts with outstanding cleaning ability, especially the cleaning carbon deposition can achieve lifelike refurbished effect, both the external or internal can pervasive, meticulously, reinforced three face cleaning, strong, can thoroughly clean power appearance and oil word, this equipment is widely applied in a, auto parts manufacturer, etc. The product adopts tap water add cleanser, circulating long-term use of cleaning, very little cost (is gasoline scrub 1/10). Greatly improve washing efficiency, it is traditional soaking cleaning, heating spray clean way of 5-10 times.
Scope:various types of car maintenance, repair and boring grinding process in the engine cylinder block and head, crankshaft, piston, connecting rod, pretty column, gearbox and collection filter, shell, gear components, turbochargers, oil, pump glib etc cleaning
型号 | 功率(W) | 频率(KHz) | 清洗槽尺寸(mm3) | 电源 |
DYK-1800 | 1800 | 20、25、28 | 550×450×400 | 3800V/50Hz |
DYK-2400 | 2400 | 20、25、28 | 750×500×400 |
DYK-3600 | 3600 | 20、25、28 | 1000×550×500 | 380V/50Hz |
DYK-4800 | 4800 | 20、25、28 | 1300×600×600 |
注:可根据用户要求订做不同规格的超声波清洗机 |