产品图片 |
产品特点 |
1.采用全自动复合袋生产线将纸与塑料编织布复合而成。 |
产品参数说明 |
规格有:40、45、50、53、55、56、60(宽度)长度由您确定。 客户需要提供确切的尺寸、克重、颜色、印刷色彩、或寄样品我们根据您的样品生产。
物流/快递说明 |
东莞周边的市、镇货款达到伍千以上可送货,远地区不包运费。 客户索要样品,可在本店拍买,免运费(只能寄无印刷样品)偏远地区运费自付 |
联系方式 |
联系地址:中国 广东 东莞市 洪梅镇洪屋涡工业区 联系电话:13712172239 传真号码:0769-22472689 腾讯QQ:350633803 阿里旺旺: |
公司简介 |
东莞市粤源(源盛)包装有限公司 现公司拥有数百台编织机、数台高清度6色彩印机、数台全自动复合袋生产线、数台PO、PE内吹膜机及配套设备,有三间编织袋专业生产厂:分布在洪梅、中堂、惠州等地,年产编织布达万吨,专业生产纸塑复合袋、彩印袋、复膜袋、普通编织袋,可生产圆周240CM以内各种规格产品。广泛应用于化工、化肥、塑料、粮食、饲料、淀粉、防洪物资等行业的产品包装。 本公司技术力量雄厚,独创的货仓式自选销售方式,快捷满足客户各种个性化需求,在珠三角范围内配合客户实施“零库存”的生产管理。 欢迎广大客户来电来函,前来选购。 Dongguan Yue Yuan (Yuan Sheng) Packing Co. Ltd At present, the company has several hundred of weaving machines, several high definition 6 color printers, several entire automated compound bag production lines, several PO, PE inner-film blowing machines and the supplementary equipment and three professional weaving bag produciton factories which are located in Hongmei, Zhongtang and Huizhou and so on. The annual production of weaving bags reaches ten thousand tons. The company is specialized in producing paper plastic compound bag, color printing bag, compound membrane bag, ordinary weaving bag, and each kind of specification production with circumference less than 240cm. Our products are widely applied in products packing of industries of chemical industry, chemical fertilizer, plastic, foodstuff, feedstuff, faecula, flood prevention commodity, etc. Our company has strong technical strength. The original warehouse type self-service sale mode can quickly meet each kind of inpiduality need of customers and coordinate with the customers in Pearl River Delta Region to implement the production management of Zero Stock. Customers are welcomed to call us or write us letters and come to select and purchase our products. |