干燥程式/Drying Procedure
● 在双缸除湿塔内急速的同时,就能获得-400C的露点除湿气
● By high speed reduction of air pressure in the Heatless tower,a very low Dew Point(-400C)of Dehumidified air will be obtained.
● 除水除油筛检程式将空压机送来压缩空气中的水份及油份过滤清洁,再送到除湿塔
● Excessive oil and water content from the compressed air supply will beremoved by micro-filters before been supply to heatless tower.
● 把-400C至-500C露点除湿气(单向输送)不停的输送到密闭式真空除湿料桶内,将料桶内所有原材料的湿气抽干
● Continuous injection of -400C~-500C Dehumidified Air (one way supply) into Dryer Hopper,moisture on the plastic material will be
removed from within the hopper.
● 该系统是单向送气,无须使用再生除湿气
● This is one-way supply system,regeneration of air not required.
P.I.D 温度控制器,精度可达±1度
Compared with the traditional dehumidification machine save energy consumption of the same specification about 50-70%
Stable Dehumidified Air Supply at -400C Dew point
P.I.D temperature controller can reach the accuracy of ±10C
With various safety protection devices,and stop delay cooling function.